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Hours seemed to pass and the boys gave up thinking he was with a girl. George knew better. It was 5AM when he heard his phone echoing on the bus. George's phone rang with a number he didn't recognize.
"Answer it will ya? We're trying to sleep." Ross angrily replied to the ringing.He answered quickly hoping it was Matty.
"Is this Mr. George Daniel?"
"This is he."

"Mr. Daniel, we found your number in the phone of a Mr. Matthew Healy as an emergency contact. Do you know him?"
"He's a co worker and dear friend of mine. Who are you?"
"My apologies sir. This is the Boston University hospital...."
"Is he ok?"
Ross and Adam jumped up at those words because they all knew the answer... he wasn't.
"Mr. Daniel, I am afraid Mr. Healy has been under the influence of drugs and had a bad reaction. He collpased in a hotel room and was rushed here. He is unconscious at the moment and..."
"I'm on my way!" George hurridly hung up not wanting to know anymore. Tears streamed down his face as he threw his phone to the ground.
"George..." Ross and Adam tried calming him down to get answers.
"Mate was is it?" Ross asked quiety as they turned on some lights and fumbled around getting dressed.
"He--- he--- drugs----unconscious."
"No" Ross groaned in disbelief.
George shook his head and screamed as the tears flowed harder.

They rushed to the hospital as fast as they cool and made their way to Matty's room. There he was-- it almost looked as if his body accepted death. He was in a hospital gown and his face like a ghost. This is the 2nd time he was in grave danger. George wondered if it would be the last. He cried harder as Ross and Adam left giving him space by saying they needed to call their manager. George immediately grabbed his hand and wiped his own tears.
"Matty, if you can hear me... I-I-I love you. Don't die on me. Please. I need you. I can't live without you! Why didn't you just come to me?! I could've taken care of you and made it better."
Matty didn't move, blink or anything. It all became too real. What if he never woke up?

Haunt//Bed (A Matty Healy Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now