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Sorry for the late update! Went to an Evanescence concert last night and got pretty drunk. Loved it. Got pics on my Instagram

George sat at home downing a bottle of tequila. He couldn't understand what was wrong with Matty but knew it was best to stay away. Still he wondered about everything. Losing him would be painful but they needed each other. Yin and yang. They balanced each other out. He debated on calling Adam and Ross but he didn't want them to know. Tour started in a week and they all needed to settle things properly. George watched TV eagerly waiting for Matty to stroll through the door and kiss him. It was already midnight far longer than an hour. He debated on calling him but instead blew out the candles, cleaned up the rose petals and then went off to bed. The fight to stay up was a battle he was quickly losing as the liquor knocked him out. It saddened him to know he was also losing Matty too. He didn't know how this would change the band and them. But it sure as hell is gonna be rough. The flat was so quiet and lifeless without Matty. He turned on some music and was drifting off to sleep.

George awoke to chocolate brown eyes next to him looking sleepily and a body that smelled heavily of alcohol.
"Hi. Georgie.. George. I'm ready.." He giggled and kissed him hard.
"Matty. What are you on about?"
"I'm ready--- to---love."
"Aa-and be loved."
"Hey. Calm down. Get some rest. We can talk about this in the morning. Please."
He exaggerated a groan "Fine buzzkill"
Matty nestled into his arms and quickly fell asleep. George kissed his cheek and drifted off into sleep. Reality was going to hit in a matter of hours. Was it a good one or bad?

Matty awoke to see George standing by their window smoking. He looked so elegant and flawless he just wanted to throw him in bed at this exact moment. For a minute he actually contemplated it but groaned at the reminder of last night that left a bad headache. George heard the noise and looked behind him startled.
"Hi" Matty croaked out sadly not knowing what George is thinking.
"Hello" He threw the remainder out the window, closed it and sat next to Matty.
"So about last night.. George?"
"What of it? You fucking left me. For hours. I was so scared. I"
Matty held him tightly as he cried into his bare chest.
"Babe I'm sorry... for leaving like I did... let me explain?"
George nodded and the pair laid in bed.
"I didn't mean to scare you or hurt you. Just needed some time. I was scared too, George but now I'm not so afraid. I want to let you love me. I'm ready for this. For love, fear, happiness, sadness.. whatever happens to us. I want it all. I fucking love you."
George laid there being completely unreadable until his lips crashed into Matty's. It was gentle at first then became full of life and passion.
"Don't scare me like that again, Matthew." George growled as he unbuttoned his blouse that flowed perfectly onto his lanky body.
"You're gonna fuck me senseless aren't you?"
"Say that word one more time and you'll be sorry..."
"Fuck fuck fuck. I like to fuck. Especially when I am fucked by you. I also like to fuck fuck you. Mmmmm." George began sucking his neck and wanted to get down to business. He pulled both of their pants down and got started. They settled their aggression like grown men after all...

Afterwards they laid in bed laughing and talking. Eventually playing video games until they looked at the clock.
"Shit Matty we gotta get ready for rehersals." They prepared for the start of tour with a quick shower and made their way to the rehersal stage. The minute they walked in they could sense the tension from Ross and Adam but made sure to kiss lustfully around them.
"Get a room you two." Adam scoffed at the pair.
"Why would we when we have this big space? Be careful you might find us..." Matty flipped them off laughing as he kissed a giggling George. They walked hand in hand until approached by Ross.
"Guys.. I don't like the way our last conversation ended. I'm ready to apologize. I'm sorry.. we were just concerned."
"No worries mate. We both talked through the situation and we are determined to make this work." George said beaming with love and gave him a hug with Matty as well. Adam finally joined and let it go.
Nothing could stand in the way of this group. They were invincible and ready to conquer the world again as a team.

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