Treat Me Like an Old Friend

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He came to her door step desperate for answers and got them once she opened the door. Ava's eyes told him everything.

"Hann said he saw you buying the other day. Is that true?!" He said in a defeated whisper as it began raining harder on him.
"Come in...."
"No. I want answers and I want them now. I fucking trusted you. Despite what everyone else said. You owe it to me." He said slowly becoming a scream.
"I don't owe you anything."
He went back to his car and she followed him crying.
"I'm sorry. I---."
He kissed her lips and held her in his arms. Soft noises escaped their mouths as they melted in to each other.
"I want to make you better, Ava."
"I'm broken beyond repair."
"Can we ride around and just talk? I just love how it looks outside. All gloomy and shit."
She nodded and he opened the door for her. They sped off aimlessly. The friends kept stealing glances at each other and smiled.
"Wanna know the truth? Why I said what I said at the cafe when I had first gotten clean?"
"I always have..."
"I love you. It hurt me to see you in that state. I thought maybe if I told those..things you would understand that. It all came out wrong and for that I'm sorry."
She replayed that moment in her head
Ava walked into the cafe with bloodshot eyes and barely able to walk. Matty had just rang up a customer when she locked eyes with him and stumbled over toward him.
He looked displeased and ran over to her immediately helping her back outside.
"Listen to me. We are not friends anymore. We aren't shit. You left me for fucking dead, Ava. I was lying in a hospital bed practically dead thanks to you. If the lads came any later I would have been dead. Do me a favor and disappear. I don't need some cokehead following me around and destroying my life. Go shoot up or snort something. If you ever set foot in here, my home, my shows, or anywhere where you may possibly see me I will call the cops and tell them."
"You wouldn't dare..." She trembled losing her balance.
"Try me. Now go." He said through his teeth and he walked back inside. Out of her life. He immediately regretted what he said but maybe it was for the best. After all, his music is taking off now and he didn't want drugs in the way. She walked down the street crying. He saw the tears as he looked back but some things you just can't take back. He knew it was all for the best.
Matty looked over at Ava noticing the tears forming in her eyes. He bit his lip trying hard not to cry himself.
"Ava, stop. Please. I know you're thinking about what I said. Stop crying over the past, love. I promise I'm here for you. Let me help you get clean."
He put on the hazard lights and pulled to the side of the road.

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