//Love Me//

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The pair arrived at the restaurant smiling and laughing. They ordered their favorites and George noticed Matty's absence of alcohol.
"No wine tonight?"
"No.. got something special planned I want to be completely sober for..." Matty retorded with a sly grin.
"And that is?"
"Oh you'll see." He leaned in to kiss George not caring who saw or who didn't. It was their moment.
The dinner was great and they left quickly to see the surprise.
George was impatient and that made Matty laugh. Eventually they ended up back at their flat. George was preparing to enter the key when Matty stopped him.
"Everything ok babe?"
Matty kissed him gently and pushed his body against the door passionately. They made out and had to tear their bodies apart.
"It is now.. I'm so lucky to have you.. before you step in there I just want you to know I love you..."
"You're scaring me babe is something wrong?"
"Nothing at all.. just showing you what you mean to me..."
George opened the door to rose petals, candles and his favorite "love making" song playing. Matty locked the door as George stood in awe.
"How did you..?"
"Called in a favor. Had it all set up just for you my dear. Listen.. I know I am the most impatient, stubborn, and craziest guy out there but you make me better. Tonight is a celebration of the love I have for you..."
He grabbed George's hand and rubbed it against his chest.
"Do you feel it? That's what you do to me."
George grabbed his hand and did the same then leaned in for a kiss. Immediately clothes were flying until bare flesh touched all over.
"For the record.. I fell in love with you the day we first went on tour. I was absolutely wasted but you skipped out on a party to take care of me. Then we stayed up talking about how things were changing but you promised to be my one constant. I'll never forget that..." He rubbed George's cheeks gently with his fingers.
"Thank you for being there..."
"I realized it too.. that night. It's why I rambled so much. Was gonna make a move but in your state I would have felt bad."
"Tonight I'm not... let's make love..." Matty's face lit up like a light bulb.
"Lead the way, Matthew."
He grabbed George's hand and lead him down the trail of Rose petals.
"This is an absolutely breathtaking display. I never thought you would be the romantic type."
"Not usually. But you George are the exception."
He stopped Matty in the hallway and shoved him again a wall. Kissing his lips with passion and tenderness.
"I adore you..."
"Make love to me George. Take my body."
George turned his body around to face the wall and began to nip at his neck.
"I love you like this.."
A gentle moan escaped Matty's mouth it sounded more like a whimper as his back was caressed.
"But if we make love.. it has to be on a bed. Follow me handsome."
They held hands into their bed and finally made love. It was gentle, passionate and beautiful. After they laid in bed and talked. George held him in his arms.
"Wow. That was. Wow." George finally said gasping for air.
"I-I-I'm going for a walk...." Matty replied nervously as he jumped out of bed and got dressed.
"What's wrong?" George sat up worried and scared.
"I won't be long. Just need some fresh air.." He kissed George gently and then he tugged his wrists as he tried exiting the room.
"Please. Please. Is it me? Did I do something wrong?" Gently he kissed again and removed the hand.
"No babe. No it's not you. I love you okay. I just need time to myself. Alright? Be back in an hour or so. I love you. I cannot stress that enough." He kissed again not wanting to leave but then he did out into the cold.

Matty walked to a nearby park and sat on a bench. Contemplating their relationship. It hit him after they had made love. If it ended bad.. what would become of them? The band? Would they turn into No Doubt? Matty singing songs about the pain George caused or expressing endless remorse? He can't lose his best friend or the band or anything. He loved George that was no question but could it last? Was Adam and Ross right? What would the outcome be? Just then he saw a couple madly in love kissing without a care in the world. It was then that he knew what must be done....

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