//Stay, Stay, Stay//

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Matty and George quickly threw their clothes on to answer the door. First they looked through the peep hole and saw that it was Matty's mom. George giggled as Matty cursed in frustration. They opened the door and greeted his mother warmly.
She hugged them both and exchanged small talk then they sat on the couches together
"Mum why didn't you tell me you were coming over?"
"I wanted to surprise you dear and check up on you. How have you been holding up? I trust that George has taken good care of you."
George nodded in agreement as him and Matty locked eyes thinking of their little secret when she suddenly noticed the hickeys covering Matty's neck.
"MATTHEW TIMOTHY HEALY who did that to your neck?"
George snorted has Matty stammered out an explanation.
"He um got himself someone..."
"A girlfriend?! Who is she! When will I meet her?!" Her face lit up and so did the pair.
"Actually... I've been meaning to tell you. Mum..."
"Matty and I are actually dating. I love this man. I really do and I am so sick of hiding it and I finally worked up the nerve to tell him and..."
Matty grabbed George and kisses him softly at first then increasing in passion forgetting his mother until she cleared her throat. They sat down blushing.
"About time you two!"
"Sorry we got a little carried away. It's hard. The label they don't want us together so we have been exclusively private..."
"If they think they can stop two men in love they are mistaken. Matty I thought you were more fearless.."
"Hann said the label said if we get together the band is done. We can't risk it. We worked too hard.."
"You and George are special. I suggest you two looking over the contract and then if it happens then fuck it. You are talented and at the top of your game. The second you are let go someone else will swoop in. I guarantee it."
She kissed Matty's cheek and hugged George. They made their way to the door and said their goodbyes. Immediately after George pinned Matty to the door.
"I can't resist you. Fuck Matty." They made out roughly gasping for air letting out moans. Like horny teenagers they dry humped eventually making their way to the bed room but never got there. George threw Matty onto the floor tearing his clothes off and lifting off his. He ran to the room to grab lube and then they have the roughest sex ever.

Shortly after they laid in bed. George fell asleep of course leaving Matty alone in his thoughts specifically what his mother said. He looked at their contract that was at his desk. To his surprise the contract said nothing about dating... then why was the label so against it? Angered he threw on some clothes, took a few shots and went to confront them.

Matty stormed into the office and demanded to see their manager. He was escorted to his special room.
"What the fuck you fucking wanker?"
"Excuse me?"
"Why are me and George being threatened? The contract says nothing about relationships... I"
"Hold on. I said nothing about that. No one has actually. To be honest we all love it and well come on it was expected...."
Matty looked confused and took a seat.
"Wait what?"
"We never said anything about it..."
"But Hann and Ross said..."
"I'm sorry but maybe you misheard them or something."
"No. It was clear as day... I--I'm so sorry. I'll be on my way."
Matty made his way out stunned by the news and the pocket of his tight jeans started ringing loudly. It was George.
"Matty. Where are you?"
"I went to confront them. Look. I'm on my way home. I'll explain when I get there. I love you, George."
"Hey are you okay?" He detected the sadness in his voice. Something he was skilled at.
"I uh yes. Yes."
"Babe talk to me."
"Later. Love you bye."
He hung up feeling as if he were about to cry. Why would they lie? He was going to get to the bottom of it. Matty texted them asking to meet at him and George's for a night out which they accepted. He finally made his was home to tell George before they got there. George was on the couch fidgiting and drinking when Matty walked in. The pair greeted each other with a kiss and sat on the couch.
"Matty. Spit it out already."
Matty grabbed the liquor and downed a few shots.
"They lied."
"Ross.. Hann. It was all a lie. The label WANTS us together."
"Wait. What?"
"Our own fucking friends are lying to us..."
"Don't know. But they're on the way and we're gonna get to the bottom of it."
"Baby calm down."
He kissed Matty tenderly biting on his bottom lip. The kiss left him in a trance forgetting his anger. Matty was on top of George letting his agression take over in healthy ways thanks to that bit of alcohol. His mind felt a little hazy then eventually the door bell rang. They stopped and straightend their clothes then went to greet them. The group made small talk and went to the couch as Matty got a bottle of Tequila then rejoined them. Taking sips of it greedily making them uncomfortable.
"Um Matty you ok?" Adam asked as he looked at both George and Ross. He slammed the bottle down after taking a huge sip.
"You don't get to ask the questions. I want answers."
"Mate, what are you talking about?"
Ross knew.. Adam should drop the act but he went along with it.
"You fucking lied to us. Both of you. You fucking..."
"Matty, love calm down I understand you're angry but please. Let's discuss this rationally." He pushed his hair back and gave him a gentle peck.
"Now.. Adam, Ross.. cut the act. Me and Matty know..."
"Who told you?" Ross asked puzzled.
"Doesn't matter how. Answers fucking now!"
"Alright fine Matty before you have a fucking heart attack!" Adam said raising his voice to make a point.

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