//I'm So Scared of You//

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"Why so serious?" Matty laughed and kissed George.
Adam and Ross looked at each other not knowing what to say. They sat in silence. Matty and George knew something was up.
"C'mon spit it out. Please."
George was so nervous. For what? He didn't know.
"The label... doesn't approve.." Ross was finally able to say.
"What the lyrics I wrote? Yeah I knew it might get that reaction but it's not the end of the world..."
"Of you and George... Matty..." Adam finished unable to take anymore of their oblivion.
"What do you mean? Me and George? Not any of their fucking business as much as I'm concerned."
"They're afraid of the backlash from fans and.."
"So. If they really liked us they wouldn't care. Besides they right disgusting fan fiction about it all the time why is real life any different?"
George sat in silence stunned and unaware of what to say.
"They sent us to try to sabatoge it. We won't break you up. God knows we love this. But they said you have 2 options: you break up or we do." Ross said coldly.
"We know you can't do that and we wouldn't want you to so just kinda keep it not so public. Just until it blows over."
"I just confessed to the man I've loved for years that I am in love with him. Now I have to hide it? Shit. Just a few hours ago we barely fucked for the first time and now you're saying no more?" George finally said carefully.
"George!! Too much" Adam said with a disgusted look on his face.
"I-- we-- we-- we need to discuss this.. Matty and I privately. So could you guys maybe...?
Adam and Ross nodded saying their goodbyes as they left. As soon as they heard their car leave George held Matty lovingly as tears streamed down his face.
"I can't. I won't" He said as he sobbed. George held him closely as he cried too.

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