I'm Not Scared

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Matty and his band mates were having a celebration for finally getting signed to a record label. He would typically be drowned in alcohol but tonight he was glued to his phone and ignoring the girls hitting on him. His friends tried to ignore it but couldn't. Someone had sucked the life out of him—Ava. George made his way through the crowd of people to talk some sense into his friend.

"Matty, you ok?'

"I'm fine. Just waiting for this stupid party to be over." His phone chimed at the worst time possible and George grabbed the phone from him and held it high into the air so he couldn't reach. He tried to grab it but was obviously unsuccessful and grunted in defeat.

"Give it back you fucking wanker."

"No. Enjoy our party. You're bringing everyone down. Stop it. Don't let Ava bring you down. That bitch doesn't deserve your time."

"Excuse me. It's my party and I can cry to the fucking end. Don't talk about her like that."

"Do you not remember when she left you? All fucking drugged up in your flat foaming at the mouth? She left you for dead! You got clean and we all are proud of you believe me but she's gonna cause a fucking relapse if you don't watch it."

They all remembered that night. Matty didn't show up for rehearsals. Typically, he hated being late let alone not showing up at all. The band was his everything. The boys quickly rushed to his flat and found him in his bathroom—unconscious and foaming. They rushed him to the hospital and he recovered. He agreed to rehab and when he successfully got clean they all agreed George should move in to make sure it didn't happen again. He told them the last thing he remembered was Ava coming over. Ava never came to see him. They saw each other a few months later at the café he worked at. She was messed up and could barely walk. Matty tried to get through to her but she took it the wrong way and they stopped talking just like that. He loved her. No doubt about that but he wanted what was best. Hearing George bring up the situation was like ripping off an old band-aid--- it fucking hurt.

Matty became enraged at the past and the fact that George couldn't let it go. He tackled him to the ground landing a few punches and grabbed the phone. The party came at a halt as they all stared at Matty. He quickly became embarrassed and regretted what he did so he left. He didn't know where he was going but his feet led him to a familiar door that he knocked on.

There she stood in the flesh again. Ava flashed a smile that he missed and motioned for him to come inside to which he quickly did.

"Nice to see you again, Matty! Sorry I wasn't expecting you otherwise I would have changed..." She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. Ava was wearing a pink tank top and PJ pants looking like she was getting ready for bed.

"How are you holding up, Ava?" They sat on the couch together staring into each other's eyes.

"I'm a lot better. Thank you for your support."

"I'm not scared. I'm not scared." He said in a quiet whisper.

"Scared of what, Matt----" He quickly shut her up with a kiss to which she warmly accepted. Matty rested his arms all over her body, caressing her petite yet curvy figure. She moaned into his mouth which made his breathing come out as panting. He started kissing her neck and playing with the elastic on her pants. Ava got the message and led him to the bedroom shutting the door and turning on the TV so her neighbors wouldn't hear. Their clothes flew off their bodies and they fought for dominance. Ava ended up on top straddling Matty like she knew he loved. He laid back and admired the view

Matty resurfaced at home a few hours later and George was sitting on the couch watching T.V. alarmed at his sudden arrival. He scurried to his room when Matty blocked his path.

"Matty, please—"

"George, I'm sorry. I just. I don't like being reminded about the whole incident. I can leave if you want me to for the night. I just wanted to apologize first."

"I'm just worried about you. I don't want to see my best friend lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. I'm concerned."

They sat on the couch together preparing for one of their "heart to heart" conversations that the therapist said would help.

"I understand but she's changed. She hasn't touched it in a long time."

"She has, Matty..."

"And how would you know?"

"Hann saw her the other day buying some off your old dealer..."

"He's lying."

"We would never lie to you."

"Bullocks—I'm leaving." Matty sprang up and ran to the door pulling his hoodie over his head as the rain started to pour.

"Where are you going?"

It was too late. He already disappeared into the stormy night.

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