//I Don't Want To Be Your Friend//

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Adam and Ross exchanged glances until one finally spoke up.
"As friends we're worried... we don't want this relationship turning sour and our band dismembering. I mean... Matty... what if this is a temporary "I almost died I'm so scared I need companionship" thing. Come on. All the sudden you OD and you wake up madly in love with George?" Adam explained as carefully as he could. Matty and George looked at each other with concern-- now George was worried as well. But how could he explain this to Matty?
"You're wrong. I have always loved George. It just took a big thing to make me see it. I didn't realize this would be your reaction. Just leave then!"
"See. Insecurity shows it all..." Ross mumbled as they left. Matty and George sat on their couch completely frozen.
"I'm going to bed. Night." George pecked Matty's forehead tenderly. Matty grabbed his wrist and looked sadly into his eyes.
"Sit. You believe them... don't you....?
"I'm not in the mood for this. You've been drinking and you're in a mood..."
"Answer me"
"I don't know what to make of it. Come on. Please don't do this. We'll talk in the morning. You're welcome to sleep on the couch if it bothers you so much." George let go and was on his way.
"George!" Matty croaked sadly holding back tears. The bedroom door was immediately shut and locked. He grabbed a blanket and pillow out of the closet then turned on the TV and drank more. He couldn't believe this. But he wondered if he should play it like that.. for George's sake. He didn't want to hurt him but maybe just maybe he'll eventually fuck it up anyways. He settled for this random reality show about childhood sweet hearts getting married. Finally.... it all came to him.... he grabbed a guitar then started writing a song. This was just for him.. boy was he falling.

In the bedroom George was still awake waiting for a drunken Matty to bang on the door making an ass of himself. He didn't believe it for a second in his heart but in his mind he had to at least consider it. He wanted to be rational but his heart said otherwise. Suddenly he heard Matty playing the guitar. He wasn't singing just playing. The melody was soothing and evoked so much romantic feelings. He laid in bed slowly sobbing thinking about their special moments and memories. They haunted him. Eventually he fell asleep long before Matty worked on the lyrics.

He worked on them all night long by 6AM it was perfected and George would be waking up around noon as usual. He had a big surprise waiting for him. Matty set an alarm on his phone for 11 then drifted off to sleep with a big grin. He was gonna win George over. This time he dreamt of him and George shacking up in the tour bus. It was something exciting to try. He was confident things were about to get better. 11 on the dot he woke up to make George waffles, eggs, sausage and biscuts. He hummed their new song in a giddy tone then poured orange juice in a glass. Carefully he put a flower on the tray perfectly then strapped his guitar over his shoulder. According to a clock it was 11:59. He opened the door to their room and found George opening his eyes.
"Morning handsome. I made you this..." He placed the try in his lap and George grinned then opened his mouth to speak.
"Before you say anything let me... I wrote this for you."

What time you coming down?
We started losing light.
I'll never make it right
If you don't want me around,
I'm so excited for the night,
All we need's my bike and your enormous house
You said some day we might
When I'm closer to your height
'Til then we'll knock around, endlessly
You're all I need

Don't you see me now?
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you,
Don't you need me?
I, I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you,
And on this night and in this light,
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
Maybe you'll change your mind
I think I'm falling, I think I'm falling

I'm caught on your coat again
You said, "Oh, no, it's fine,"
I read between the lines
And touched your leg again, again
I'll take you one day at a time,
Soon you will be mine,
Oh but I want you now (I want you now)
When the smoke is in your eyes,
You look so alive,
Do you fancy sitting down with me? Maybe?

You're all I need
According to your heart,
My place is not deliberate,
Feeling of your arms
I don't wanna be your friend,
I wanna kiss your neck

Don't you see me?
I, I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
Don't you need me?
I, I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
And on this night and in this light
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you
Maybe you'll change your mind

George looked at him lustfully as he sat his tray beside the bed. He began kissing him roughly and nipping at his neck. Making sure a few hickies were left. Then ripped off his boxers. Matty's naked body was grinding on to his newly nude body as well. A moan escaped his mouth at George's roughness.
"How did you li"
He was shut up by a tongue slipping down his throat.
"Shut up. Let our bodies speak." He grinned as George bent him over the bed. Lube was grabbed from the night stand and applied as George prepared him. Matty wimpered and groaned. Before he knew it he thrusted inside. He moaned loudly and begged for more.
"For the record. I fucking love it and I love you. I'm gonna fuck you all day for that." He rammed in rougher as Matty screamed.
"I'm gonna! Fuck babe ---" George collpased on Matty and before he knew it Matty was using his body. Rough, raw and passionately he thrusted in to George. He moaned and screamed at the intensity.
"Like that don't you? Never doubt me again or I'll fuck you harder and show you how I really fucking feel."

Eventually they stopped and sat in bed smoking.
"Shit. That was.. intense..." Matty said smirking at George.
"Hey, I'm so sorry I doubted you. Even for a few hours. I was scared and.."
Matty cut him off with a gentle kiss and held his hand.
"I understand, babe. We should be more open with our feelings and thoughts. I want us to last."
"Same here handsome."
They made out and took a nap. Matty was awoken with George playing with his curls and giggling. It made him smile.
"So Matty.. I've been thinking....?
"Mmm no. I don't want a 3 way. I want you all to myself. Although I do like tits but we can try watching porn together...."
"No! No! Not that. Since we can come out now.. as like a couple... why don't we?"
"Are you serious?"
George kissed his forehead tenderly.
"Yes, my dear."
"Then let's do it! I'm thinking that one sushi place I've been dying to try."
"My treat." George kissed him as they showered and got ready together. The couple left arm in arm holding hands and beaming with joy.

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