//Are We Just Friends//

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Matty fought hard to wake up. Then a week later it happened. George was dozing off then suddenly the machines went off indicating his heart beat increase. Matty opened his eyes and flashed a wide eyed George a smile.
"Hi." Matty croaked with a hoarse throat. George immediately hugged him as tears streamed down his face. He was full on sobbing again.
"You fucking made it! I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm so sorry, Matty. I--"
Just then nurses rushed in checking on Matty. Asking him questions and keeping him hydrated. After they left Matty alone George finished his conversation.
"Matty, I should've payed closer attention. I should've known. I am so sorry I let you down."
"George, you're a grown man and so am I. I made these choices on my own. I'm sorry I made the wrong one."
"I thought I lost you... again."
Matty caressed George's cheek and leaned in for a soft, gentle, passionate kiss. The look on their face showed the sparks flew.
"Whoa. Matty I---"
"I heard you... George. I was so stupid to not realize it sooner. I love you too. You've taken care of me for so long now let me return the favor."
George kissed Matty back as they eventually made out on the hospital bed. He got on top of his lanky body gasping for air. Suddenly the door slammed open as a suprised Adam and Ross barged in. George and Matty didn't notice until Ross cleared his throat. George practically fell off Matty in shock.
"We. Um. We. His pillow. Needed and um." George stammered as a blushing Matty sat there.
"About time you two." Adam said as Ross laughed breaking the tension. George sat next to Matty.
"What do you mean?" George wanted to know how it was so obvious.
"You two are never apart and we can just sense it."
George kissed Matty tenderly as he happily accepted the kiss and held his hand.
"Get a room!!" Ross laughed as Matty flipped him off.
George held Matty close as they kissed even more.

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