//All I Need//

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They met up with old friends from home that agreed to fake date them. So they went to busy shops and restuarants to generate buzz. Stopping every now and then for Instagram pictures. It was very convincing and everyone was eating it up. Matty stayed out late and went home to a dark flat as George slept peacefully. He did not dare turn on a single light. The sight before him was breath taking. The light of the moom crept in to highlight George's face so beautifully. Matty smiled to himself but in the midst of walking his shoe got stuck in a shirt and he fell loudly. George awoke abruptly turning on a lamp to see who it was. His eyes got soft and a smile took over his face.
"Matty, you're home?"
Matty smiled as he undressed himself slowly as George watched lustfully then climbed into bed holding him.
"Hey babe, long time no see."
George closed his eyes loving the way their skin touched. The bare flesh rubbing against each other.
"Missed you more." He rolled over and their lips touched. They made out gently until George started sucking on his neck. Matty let out a soft moan as George got on top.
"What are you doing?"
"Marking my territory." He held his wrists down getting rougher then reached up to give a quick kiss.
"Don't tease unless you're gonna please."
George giggled as his hands rubbed his chest.
"Mmm. Who said I wasn't?"
George turned off the lamp letting Matty concentrate on the pleasure. He deserved it after all the people pleasing he did everyday.
"Shit. I am so turned on right now."
George smiled and rubbed his member to confirm this.
"Mm. I can tell..."
"Fuck, George. Please. Please baby."
"Beg. Get on your knees like a good boy."
"Oh but George we both know I'm bad."
George burried his face between Matty's thighs and stroked him for a few seconds to tease.
"Then no pleasure for the bad boy."
Eventually he gave in and got on his knees. He was rewarded with blind folding and many violent orgasms. The favors were of course returned. George held Matty tightly.
"We got it Matty. I will never let you go."
"I'd never even think of that George. You mean a lot to me. I'll fight for you. No matter what it takes."
They got up to smoke a little but fell asleep shortly after. Matty woke up to his face being gently caressed.
"I love waking up to you, Matty."
"Didn't peg you for the affectionate touchy feely type."
"You make me discover more and more about myself."
They kissed softly and happily.
And suddenly a knock was heard on the door...

Haunt//Bed (A Matty Healy Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now