I Prefer It In Your Bed

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Matty retreated from the venue and went straight to get a room, bought some drugs and a hot girl to share it with. She called herself Lucy. Lucy had pink hair, brown eyes, and wore all black. He found her in a bar. They made out and exchanged some ecstacy with their tongues before leaving together in a cab making out furiously.
Lucy giggled at Matty and his slurring from the wine. They made their way to the bed barely coming up for air. Their clothes fell into a pile by the bed as they got rougher. She suggested she got on top since he was out of it. He agreed and caressed her curves concentrating on the feeling. Lucy grinded down on him and he gently rubbed her breasts making her gasp. He grinned to himself and rubbed her nipples roughly making her moan. She leaned down to kiss him and he kissed back. The grinding got rougher after some time he climaxed as did she. Lucy and Matty cuddled for a bit.
"Hold on love, gotta take care of something." He said so out of it she could barely understand and giggled. Matty stumbled to the bathroom and did a couple of lines. He looked in the mirror and could've sworn he saw Ava.
"Ava! Babe!" He screamed out towards the mirror. He heard a knock on the door.
"Um. It's Lucy. Everything ok in there?"
"I'm fine." He broke down in tears which frightened her.
"Um this was fun and all but I have to go." She disappeared from the room and left Matty in his state. Angered, he grabbed a lamp and threw it against a window with a loud thump.
Matty grabbed the drugs and did as much as he could before collapsing in the room.

The boys tried finding Matty. They called him, left a million texts amd voicemails but got nothing. Even checked Twitter and instagram hoping fans caught him somewhere but he completely disappeared. George was frantic trying to hunt him down. He got a bad feeling in his stomach.

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