Chapter 1 ♥

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I never knew that going back to the place where you were born and had lived for the biggest part of your live could be so stressful. I mean sure I was only going to visit my brother for 3 weeks because he is going to get married and after the wedding I'll come back to New York. But I haven't seen him or any of the people from my past in 3 years, that's a long time. So much has changed, not only for me but for everyone. I can only imagine how my old friends back in London will look at me. As far as they know I left without a  valid reason. Oh boy did I have a valid reason to leave the hell hole called London.

"You shouldn't worry so much you know" my friend Rachel suddenly spoke "you're just going to stay with Jacob for 3 weeks. You probably won't even see any of your old friends. And if you do and they were real friends you should just explain everything that happened and they'll understand. And if you happen to see your parents, which you probably will because your brother is going to get married, just acts civilized. You don't have to accept their apologies, heck you don't even have to listen to them, just don't go all crazy Kate and attack them." 

As Rachel finishes her mini speech a small smile makes its way to my face. She is right, she always is. I don't have to worry about anything. It'll be a fun couple of weeks with Jacob and I'll see what happens. "I hate it when you do that"

"What?" Rachel asks surprised. 

"Say things as if nothing's wrong. And you're right you know, nothing is wrong."

"I know" she chuckles "I just don't get why you're freaking out so much."

"I do have my reasons you know" I turn away from her and put some of my clothes in my suitcase.

"I know you do, but you have never told me what they are" she sighs. She was right, I never told her the full story about why I left London and what I did tell her was vague. Maybe I should tell her and get it all off my chest. I've been keeping it all in for 4 years and honestly I don't think I can keep it in any longer. 

"I know and I'm sorry. I should tell you" I say as I walk up to my bed where she was sitting on "I hope you understand it"

"I'll try" Rachel says and puts her hand on mine. I know it's not much but right now it's all I need. To know that she's there and will listen to my story. 

"Ever since I was about 12 years I've had problems with my dad. You know how a parent isn't supposed to have a favourite child, well he did and it clearly wasn't me, it was Jacob. I couldn't blame him Jacob always was the best kid of his class, he was smart, athletic, had a lot of friends and wasn't bad looking I guess. On the contrary I never was the best of the class, I was about average I guess which wasn't good enough for my dad, I was a competitive dancer but my dad never saw that as a sport , I didn't have a lot of friends and enjoyed hanging out in my room on my own, and I've never been good looking." I start my story. I know Rachel wants to say something but I also know she doesn't dare to because she doesn't want me to stop talking.

"He would always yell at me to things differently, better or just do them in general. At first it was all just verbal abuse I guess but later he started to hit me when I didn't do things how he wanted them to be done. I hated my dad, I hated him with my whole heart. My mom on the other hand was the sweetest human being ever. She always helped me with everything, but she was scared of my dad so she never stood up to him. I loved my mom and brother they were so sweet to me all the time and if it wasn't for Damon I probably would have loved them for ever" I can see the confusion in the eyes of Rachel. She probably is thinking something along the lines of 'who the hell is Evan?' and I don't blame her. I never said his name, I've been avoiding it ever since I left London. 

"Evan was one of Jacobs friends. He would always come over and when I was around 16 he was 18, I never thought those 2 years really mattered but looking back at it I guess it did, I started fancying him. I would purposely go downstairs or walk into my brothers room just to get his attention. Damon picked up the game I was playing and started playing along. We would continuously flirt and after a while we went on a few dates. We started dating and finally I was happy. My dad's abuse didn't get to me anymore, all that mattered was Damon." Telling this story to Rachel makes me realize how naive I was. Why would a 18 year old man fall for a 16 year old socially awkward child. 

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now