Chapter 12

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When I woke up the next morning the I was all alone in the room. I look around but all I see is empty matrasses and empty candy papers. I hear some noise coming from the kitchen so I stand up and walk towards it. When I enter the kitchen I see everyone sitting on the big table just chatting. “It’s alive” Niall screamed and gave me a big hug. “Good morning love” Liam said and gave me a hug too. I sat on the table next to Lilly and Liam. “what did I miss?” I asked them. “we woke up, about 2 hours ago, but you were sleeping so cute so we left you alone” Lilly explained. “thank you” I said and gave her a hug. “what do you want for breakfast” Liam asked no one in particular. “pancakes” Eleanor and Louis screamed at the same time. they are so cute together! Liam started to make pancaked and I helped him. All the others started with cleaning the living room. Liam and I made the pancakes and just talked casually. When we were done making the pancakes we called everyone back into the kitchen.

Unknown POV

Just look at her, her perfect smile and everything about her. Kate is so perfect to me everything about her is just so, wow. The way her blond hair falls when she flips it to the back, how she puts her hand in front of her mouth when she realises she laughs too hard, how her blue eyes twinkle all the time. How cute she is when she sleeps in my arms. Last night I told her I loved her and she said it back, but did she mean it? I have to ask her that but I’m too afraid, I don’t want to lose her. Even when we get in a relationship or something like that she still has to go back to New York in 3 weeks. And I probably won’t see her again. I know the other boys feel the same, but they aren’t in love with her like I am. I really have to tell her.

Kate was cleaning all the thing away and we were together in the kitchen. “Kate, can I talk to you?” I asked her. “yeah sure, what is it?” she replied while still putting things in the sink. “You know, about last night” I started “I really meant what I said”. She looked at me “I did too” she replied. “So uhm, kate what I’m trying to ask is if you will be my girlfriend” I said awkwardly looking at the ground. “Ofcourse” she said. I looked her in the eyes and our lips touched. This wasn’t my first kiss, but definitely the most magical one I’ve ever had.


I know it's a bit short but i promis to update tomorrow


When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now