Chapter 3

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“I’ll take these” Louis took your suitcases from you. “excuse me, that I’m a girl doesn’t mean you have to carry my bags! I’m an independent woman! I can do this myself!” I said, my bitchy side showing. “Well excuse me! you signed the contract of being friends with me. This means I carry your bags if I want to” Louis said imitating my tone. “I want to unsign the contract!” I could hardly hold in my giggles. “You can’t” Louis said still mocking my tone. “Oh my god, they are just alike” I heard Harry scream behind us. I turned around to look at him, but this was a bad idea. So for the second time that day I was running in circles trying to catch Louis. After like 5 rounds around the boys I was like ‘forget it’. “If you want to carry my suitcases you can” I said trying to catch my breath. “Is little Kate tired already”  Harry said in a mocking tone. “No I’m not” I said, still catching my breath. “Yes you are” harry putted his hand on my back trying to calm me down. “No I’m not” the room started to spin. “Yes you are” Harry said looking worried at me. Maybe I should had eaten something on the plane. Everything was spinning around me and I saw black spots. I turned myself around so I was leaning on Harry. “Are you alright” he asked me while he picked me up bridal style. The boys walked towards us all looking worried. “When was the last time she ate something” Liam asked Louis. “I don’t know, I don’t remember her eating on the plane” Louis said with a thinking face. “Zayn can you please get some water and something to eat” Liam asked Zayn, being all father like. “I have a chocolate bar in my bag”Niall said, laying me down on the ground. “Guys, I’m okay” I said when the black spots disappeared. I sat up straight and looked at the worried boys. “Just eat and drink something” Liam said. I nodded. Niall handed me the chocolate bar and Zayn walked towards us with a bottle of water. I drank some of the water and ate the chocolate bar. I stood up and smiled at the boys. “I’m fine” I said trying to grab my suitcases again. “No” was all Louis said before he walked away. I followed him with Liam and Niall beside me and Zayn and Harry close behind us.
When we came to the car we all got in. Louis was driving and I was on top of Niall, because there wasn’t  enough room. I gave Louis my brother’s address. It was 30  minutes driving. It was quite fun. We joked a lot and just talked. When we were at my brother’s house I said my goodbyes to everyone. “Do you want to hang out sometime?” Louis asked me. “Of course, just call me” I said while hugging them one last time. I walked to the door and rang the bell.  My brother opened the door and gave me a big hug. I turned around to wave to the boys one last time, but they were gone already.

"Heey" my brother gave me a big hug. "Helloo" I said with a big smile on my face, happy to be home again. "Come in" my brother said. I grabbed my suitases and walked into the house. "You can put your suitcases over here" he said and pointed to a closet. "How did you come here" he asked me "i thought you would call me". “Yes, I would call you, but I met a few boys on the plane and they wanted to bring me” I said, curious for his reaction. “You met a boy?” he asked me with a evil smile, ow no not this again “do you fancy him”. I thought about that for a second. did I? Maybe I did fancy Louis a bit. I mean. I did get butterfly’s in my stomach when he hugged me. Oh my god I fancy Louis! “Maybe a little bit” I replied blushing. “I want to meet him!” my brother smiled at me, being all brother like. I giggled because of his reaction. I wanted to walk into the living room, but Jacob stopped me. “Uhm, Kaykay” my brother said, using my childhood nickname “please don’t hate me” he said releasing my hand and looking at something behind me. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I turned around and looked right into the eyes of the person i didn't expect to see.



Here it is, Chapter 3!!
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When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now