Chapter 2

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When I came back from the bathroom Harry and Louis were talking to each other. I walked towards them and when they saw me they quickly turned around and acted like nothing happened. What were they doing? I sat back in my seat and looked at Louis only to find out he was staring at me. “So, what do you want to do?” he asked. “Well, we still have 5 hours to kill, so maybe we can get to know each other?” I asked him. “Sounds like a plan to me” he said while he turned around so he could look at me properly. “We can do 20 questions” he said. “you do 10 and I do 10” I said to  him. “Well, I don’t really know you name soo” he said. “ow I’m sorry, my name is Kate”  I said, embarrassed that I hadn’t introduced myself. “okay, Kate, do you have a boyfriend?” he asked me. What a weird question to begin with, but I answered anyway “No, I don’t have a boyfriend”. Why would he want to know? I looked at him and he, once again, was staring at me. His next question was who my favourite movie actor was. “Taylor Lautner” I answered. “is it because of his body?” he asked me with a smile. “Nooooo” I felt my face getting red. “Haha I see” he said. We were quiet for a while. He was thinking about the next question. “Tell me about your family” Louis said. This was the question I was trying to avoid. Should I tell him the truth, or just make up a story about a happy family? Could I trust him? I thought I could, so I answered “I have a brother Jacob, he is getting married in 5 weeks and that’s why I’m flying to London. My mother and father are divorced and my mom has a new boyfriend. I haven’t heard of my dad since I left London 3 years ago” he looked at me with shock in his eyes. This wasn’t the answer he expected me to give. “Why did you leave London 3 years ago?” he asked me. I could see he was truly interested in my story, so I just answered with the truth. “My mom and dad were fighting for like 24/7. One day they even were throwing things at each other and that’s when I couldn’t take it anymore. That night I left. I was 17. I move to New York and there I lived for the last 3 years” a tear rolled down my face when I thought of my mom and dad. “ssh, don’t cry. It’s okay” Louis said while wiping away the tears. For the next hour we finished our game. We talked about the weirdest things. When we were finished we took a few pictures together. A couple of normal ones, but most of them were weird. Louis was really nice. In New York he could’ve been one of my friends. I hated the thought of never seeing him again once the plane landed. “We should meet up some time” he looked like he could read my mind. “I would love to” I grabbed my phone to put his number in it. When all of the sudden I felt the plane shake. “please all remain seated and put your seatbelts on, we are experiencing some turbulence. Just remain calm” we heard someone say. What... turbulence? I was shocked. I guess I’ve watched too much movies in which planes crash. Louis saw the terrified look on my face and pulled me closer to him. “It’s going to be alright” I whispered to me. trying to calm me down. It wasn’t working. I began to shake. “Kate, calm down. It’s just some turbulence, there is nothing going to happen. Just try to sleep” he once again tried to calm me. I took his advice and closed my eye.

“Kate wake up” I heard Louis say while he was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Wow he was beautiful. His blue eyes and his hair, just wow. I sat straight up in my chair and looked out of the window. I saw we landed in London. “Louis are you coming?” I heard someone scream. “Just a moment” Louis replied. “do you want to come with me to get our suitcases” he asked me. He stretched his hand out to help me get out of my seat. When I stood up I almost fell but Louis caught me. Ugh, my legs are sleeping. Stupid 10 hour long plane flight. “Do I have to carry you” he asked. truly worried about me. Before I could answer he picked me up bidal style and we walked out of the plane. When we had our suitcases, we walked towards a group of boys. One of the boys was Harry. “Heey everyone” Louis said “This is Kate, the girl from the plane.” “Hellooooo, I’m Niall” a blonde boy jumped towards me. “I’m Zayn” boy with black hair said while he waved to me. “Nice to meet you, I’m Liam” a boy with short hair shook my hand. “And I’m Harry, but we already met” Harry hugged me. “Who’s picking you up?” Louis asked me. “I had to call my brother when I landed” I said while grabbing my phone. Louis took it out of my hands and ran away. “Louis come back!” I screamed and ran after him. “Catch me” he screamed back at me. I we ran in circles around the other boys for 5 minutes. Niall was laughing on the ground and Liam was trying to stop us while Harry and Zayn were on their phones doing something. Finally Louis stopped running around and gave me my phone back. I saw he had putted his number in it under the name awesomestpersononthewholeplanekingLouis. I laughed at his silly name and searched for my brothers number. “We can bring you home” Harry said while looking at the other boys. “No I don’t want to annoy you any longer, I will just call my brother” I said still looking for my brothers number. “You are not annoying, Harry is sometimes” Louis whispered to me which made me laugh. “If you insist than it’s fine by me” I said grabbing my suitcases, ready to go.


Soooooo What do you think about chapter 2???

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now