Chapter 8

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Recap: Really the boys are in a band. Wow, I didn’t see that one coming. But they are so normal and … weird. What am I going to do now? Go there and just ask them, or keep quiet and wait till they tell me about it. I think I’m going with the first one.

I really didn’t know what i’m going to say. Should I say something like “Hey Liam, you know my best friend called me and said you are 1/5 of One Direction. Is this true?” or should I say something more like: “Liam you know, I don’t like it when people hide something for me, especially not when it is that they are the biggest boy band right now” and then look at him really weird. Or should I just go there and put one of his songs on and wait till he replies. I think I’m going to do a bit of all. Okay here goes for nothing.

I walked back into the living room and stood still in the door. I searched youtube for a song from One Direction, I went with Kiss you because it was the only song I knew. I putted it on pause and I walked towards the couch where Liam was still watching Toy Story. I sat next to him and he looked up. “Who was it” he asked me. “Rachel my best friend” I replied. He nodded and looked back to the screen. “You know Liam” I said and he looked up. “I don’t appreciate it when people hide things from me” he looked at me confused. “What do you mean?” he asked like he didn’t know what was going on. “You know, when you hang out with people and they don’t tell you that they are in the biggest boy band ever” I said and looked back at the screen. “Not that that would happen to me” I said with a smile. I grabbed my phone and started the song. I looked back at Liam “Ow wait, it did” I said in the most sassy way possible. “Care to explain” I asked him. “Kate we’re so sorry, it’s just you didn’t know who we were and it is nice hanging out with people who treat us normal and yeah I’m so sorry” he tried to explain but failed miserably. “Liam, I like you all for who you are, I don’t care that you are in a band, it’s just I would’ve appreciated it if you told me” I said smiling. I mean every word I say. I really do like them for who they are, and know I know what they do it doesn’t change a thing. “You want me to call the guys and tell you everything” he asked me. “okay, I think” I replied.
A few minutes later they all sat in Liam’s apartment, even Louis was there. Liam grabbed drinks for all of us and while he was gone Louis walked towards me. “Kate, I’m so sorry it’s just” “Save it Louis” I cut him off and walked towards Niall who was stuffing his  face with a bag of crisps. Liam walked back into the room and sat our drinks on the table. “Okay so ehm, Kate found out” he said and all the other boys looked at me. “We’re so sorry” they all said at the same time. “It’s okay, I just have to get used to it I think” I reassured them.
The next 2 hours they told me everything from how they all did separate auditions for Xfactor and became a band in boot camp to how they became 3rd. They also told me about their albums, playing at the Olympics and in Madison Square Garden. (I still can’t believe I missed that they played there, I must’ve been living under a rock) They showed me their video dairies and auditions. They also showed me the trailer of their movie. “this is kind of awesome” I told them. “WE KNOW” Niall screamed and jumped on me. “Niall what are you doing?” I asked him. “Well you looked really comfortable and I wanted to try it” he said with a smile. “that you’re a superstar doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want” I said while trying to push him of me. “Well, it pretty much does” Harry said and jumped on top of Niall.

When  I woke up I saw I had only 20 minutes to get ready. Today was the day I was going to fit my bridesmaid dress. I was a bridesmaid together with Lilly and 1 friend of Alice ( my brother’s girlfriend). I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my hair. After 10 minute I got out and did my make-up. I ran downstairs and grabbed some food. I looked out of the window and saw Lilly’s car. I walked to her and greeted her. In the car I told her about One Direction, she said she loved them and wanted to meet them, apparently she was ‘their biggest fan’. When we arrived at Alice’s house we walked to the front door. “Have you ever met her?” Lilly asked me. “No I haven’t, this is the first time I’m back you know” I replied. “Have you met her?”. “Yes I have one time, on your brother’s birthday” she replied. I rang the doorbell and immediately the door was opened by, I assume Alice. “You must be Kate” she said Ryan told so much about you!” she said and gave me a hug. “Nice to meet you too” I replied. I walked into the house and was greeted by Alice’s friend, Sophia. She was beautiful with long black hair. I looked through the room and saw all kinds of dresses. I definitely could get used to this.

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now