Chapter 19

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Helloooo everyone.

I'm sorry I made you wait  for so long but I was really busy and stuff.

But here it is.

Chapter 19.


Kate POV

I was laying in my bed that night after I read the article about Liam and Danielle. I was staring at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened.

Liam hasn’t tried to contacted me, but I don’t want him to. I really don’t know what to do. I knew nothing good could come out of all this. What did you expect to happen when a member of One Direction starts to date a girl his best friend met on a plane. Liam knows how much Evan hurt me by cheating on me.

But surprisingly it’s not the cheating that hurts so much, it’s the lying. He told me he and Danielle were just good friends and nothing was going on. I really thought I could trust him. Apparently not.

Somewhere in the middle of  my thoughts I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of my phone. I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was 3am. The person calling me should have a pretty good reason otherwise I’ll kill him. I grab my phone and pick it up without looking at the caller ID. “Hello” I say in a pretty annoyed voice. “Kate, I’m so sorry for calling you this late” he said in his adorable accent. “Liam, it’s fine” I say a little less annoyed, but more nervous. What is he going to say? Does he know I know?

“uhm Kate, I have to tell you something” he said and I could hear he was nervous too. “Liam, I know, I saw it on twitter. It’s fine, just be honest with me. you could’ve at least broke up with me when I was in London.” I said, without thinking. “it’s not what it looks like. Danielle and I are not dating for real. Management made me fake date her. I don’t love her, I swear. I love you Kate. You and only you.” Liam said and I got tears in my eyes. “Liam, do you mean it?” I asked. “Ofcourse” he said. “I love you too” I replied. “too show you how much I love you, I send you something, go look outside” he said and I could hear him smile. A surprise what could he mean? I walked to the door and opened it slowly. There stood the thing I most wanted on that moment.


Liam was standing in front of my door, his phone pressed to his ear and a weekend bag in his hand. I looked at him and was shocked. He looked me in the eyes “surprise” he said. I pulled him in for a hug and i felt everything again. The butterflies in my stomach, the tingle where he touched me and most of all the fireworks when he kissed me. I had missed him so much. But here he was, he flew all the way from London to New York just to see me. And that’s when I knew it for sure, I love Liam James Payne.

Nooooo this is not the end!!

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now