Chapter 7

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Louis stood up to open the door. Awkward. Oh my god, I almost kissed my best friend. But it felt so right. I heard Louis talk to someone. Then he walked back in the living room and he had a girl with him. She was so beautiful, it must be his sister. “Uhm, Kate, this is Eleanor ….. my girlfriend” Louis said looking at us Eleanor and me awkwardly. Wait what?  His girlfriend. But he…he made me fell so special. We almost kissed. This can’t be real. “It’s so nice to finally meet you Kate” Eleanor ran up to me and hugged me “Louis told so much about you”. “Nice to meet you too” I replied “but I think I have to go”. I walked to the door trying so hard not to cry. “Kate, please don’t go” Louis said, but I had already stormed out of the door. The tears started to stream down my face. I sat in a corner and cried even harder. Why am I so stupid, of course he has a girlfriend he is so perfect. And so hot, his blue eyes and perfect brown hair. Omg Kate what are you saying he just broke your heart. Get yourself together, there are plenty of hot guys here in England, just go out. I don’t want to go out I want Louis. Oh my gosh this is great I’m even arguing in my own head. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Kate, are you okay?” I heard Liam say. He sat next to me on the ground. “What happened” he asked me. I shook my head, trying to say I didn’t want to tell him. “It’s okay” he tried to calm me down. He hugged and we sat like that for what felt like forever. “come on, we go to my apartment” he said and picked me up bridal style. We walked into his apartment en he sat me down on the couch. He went to the kitchen and after a few minutes he came back with two cups of tea. By the time he came back I had calmed down a bit. He looked at me and smiled. He sat next to me and looked at me. “Do you want to tell me?” he asked me. I told him about that I kind of had feelings for Louis and that we almost kissed and that apparently he had a girlfriend, Eleanor. When I was at the end of my story I broke down, again. Liam hugged me and whispered reassuring words in my ear. After sitting like that for 10 minutes we heard a knock on the door. I thought by myself who it could be, probably one of the boys. Liam walked to the door and looked through the peephole. “It’s Zayn and Niall” he said to me and I nodded to indicate it was fine. He opened the door and the boys came in all happy, until they saw me. They walked to me and gave me a hug. They looked at Liam “Louis” was all he said. But the others seemed to understand what was going on and hugged me again. “We came here to ask if Liam wanted to go clubbing but we can stay here if you want” Niall said looking at me. “No, I want to go clubbing” I said standing up and walking towards the door. I turned around and saw the 3 boys looking like I was crazy. “come on, I have to go pick an outfit” I said. “I will drive her home, then I come back for you and then we are going to pick her up again and we go to the club” Zayn suggested. “okay, but hurry up” I said and walked out of the door with Zayn following me.

Zayn had dropped me of half an hour ago and I was ready to go clubbing. I was wearing a blue dress with black high heels, I had putted on some mascara and eyeliner and I painted my nails blue and my lips pink. ( ) After a few minutes the doorbell  rang. “I’m going out” I screamed to my brother who was sitting in the living room. “okay” he screamed back. I opened the door and saw Niall, Liam and Zayn sitting in a car. I got in and we drove to the club.

We immediately took some shots. I think I took 6 shots but it could be more. After I was done at the bar I went to the dance floor and started dancing with Liam. I don’t know what I did next.

Someone next to me stirred and that woke me up. Wait what?  There is someone lying next to me? But… ehm how did this happen? Okay, what happened last night? We watched a movie at Louis, and then uhm… yeah Eleanor. I went clubbing and that’s the last I remember. I opened my eyes and turned around. Next to me was Liam. I stared at him for a few minutes. He is so cute when he sleeps. His eyes and his bed hair and omg… All of the sudden he opened his eyes. “Good morning beautiful” he said in his morning voice. “Hey” I replied. “Did you sleep well?” he asked me. “Yes and you?” I replied. I looked him and was still trying to figure out what happened last night. “Liam, did we uh you know uhm…” I was cut off by Liam “No babe we didn’t” he said with a cute smile. “you just did’t want to go home and wake your brother up, so you stayed here for the night. I wanted to take the couch but you wanted me to stay with you” he finished his story. “Oh okay” I said, relieved that nothing happened.  “I’m going to make breakfast, do you like pancakes?” he asked me. “Oh my gosh yess!!!” I screamed. “Okay” he laughed. “Can I take a shower?” I asked him feeling dirty. “yeah sure” he said and showed me where the bathroom was. I washed my hair and body and got of the shower. When I was drying myself I realised I didn’t have any clothes. I wrapped myself in the towel and walked to the kitchen where Liam was making the pancakes. “ehm Liam? do you have any clothes for me?” I asked him. Liam turned around and looked at me. “You can wear a shirt of me and my sweatpants?” he replied and we walked to his bedroom. He grabbed a shirt and his sweatpants. He walked back to the kitchen to finish the pancakes and I changed into his clothes, they wear a little too big. I walked back into the kitchen, this time fully dressed. Liam putted the pancakes on the table and we started eating. When we were finished with the pancaked we decided to watch a movie. Apparently Liam love toy story so we watched that one. When we were halfway through the movie my phone rang. I looked at the screen and it was Rachel. I excused myself and went to Liam’s bedroom. “heey” I said to Rachel. “Kate!” she screamed and I laughed at her. “why didn’t you tell me you were hanging out with One Direction” she almost screamed in the phone. “I’m not, who is One Direction” I asked really confused. “That band you hated with that song kiss you” she replied. Band I hated, kiss you? I really didn’t know what she was talking about. “what are you talking about, I really don’t get it” I said even more confused. “Kate, really? Niall, Harry, Liam Zayn, Louis” she told me. wait what?  Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis a boyband?  No! they would’ve told me. “That are my best friends here in England” I told Rachel. “And they are in the boyband One Direction” she finished my sentence. “Uhm, I think I have to go” I said to Rachel. “Okay, bye love ya” she said and I hang up. Really the boys are in a band. Wow, I didn’t see that one coming. But they are so normal and … weird. What am I going to do now? Go there and just ask them, or keep quiet and wait till they tell me about it. I think I’m going with the first one.

Heeeee my lovely unicorn readers.

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Bye, Love ya x

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now