Chapter 14

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I walked out of Liam’s apartment tears streaming down my face. I (tried to) walk to Niall’s apartment but walked into the wall a few times because I couldn’t see anything. When I came to Niall’s apartment I knocked on the door and he almost immediately opened it. When he saw the tears streaming down my face he pulled me into a big hug. We stood like that for what seemed like forever. When I calmed down a bit I looked at Niall and I saw we were still standing in the doorway. “You want to come in?” he asked looking at me. I nodded and we walked inside. We sat on the couch and Niall grabbed some drinks in the kitchen while I just sat there. Still thinking about the text. Niall walked back into the room and sat next to me. “Tell me what happened love” he said and gave me my drink. “Liam….danielle…” was all I could say because I was crying. Niall once again tried to calm me down but it didn’t work out.

When I calmed down a bit I told him the whole story. About the text and that she said they would find a way and that she ….. loved him. “It’s probably not what you think”Niall said the whole time. but I didn’t believe him. “it is exactly what I think” I said “He is cheating on me with her, and when I go back to New York they will live happily ever after and I will be heartbroken” I cried.     “They are just really good friends, I promise you” Niall said looking at me. “Yeah that’s why ‘they will find a way’ ” I said, I was getting kind of pissed off. ‘why does he do this to me?’ I kept asking myself. “Kate, I promise you. There is nothing going on between them” Niall said “Just go back to him and ask what is going on”. Niall was so sweet. “Niall, can you promise me one thing” I asked him and he nodded “That you’ll be my best friend forever, no matter what happens”. He looked at me “Of course, bet friends forever” he said. I looked in his eyes and saw relief but also some sort of jealousy and maybe even sadness. I shook it off, stood up and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face so he wouldn’t see I had been crying. I gave Niall a hug and walked back to Liam.

I opened the door with the spare key he had given me. I walked into his apartment and I saw Liam sitting on the couch, his head in his hands and his phone laying next to him. Kate what have you done?  You probably over reacted and you left him, not knowing what he did wrong. You’re a pretty bad person Kate.

I walked over to the couch and sat next to him. He looked at me, his eyes were red. “I’m sorry” I said. He looked me in the eyes not knowing what to do. “I shouldn’t have ran away, I should’ve asked you about it” told him. “It’s okay” was all he said before he pulled me into a hug. “Danielle and I are really good friends and I wanted you to meet her, but she is busy with dance practices so she ‘had to find a way’ to get out of them” he told me and looked me in the eyes. I’m so stupid! Why didn’t I trust him? He is so sweet! I just…I can’t. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back and it was just as magical as the first time we kissed.


i´m really sorry I didn´t upload before but i was really bussy with school.

I´m so sorry!!

Love all of ya

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now