Chapter 5

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. MY BROTHER IS MAKING PANCAKES!! Woehoehoe. I freacking love pancakes!!! I quickly jumped out of bed and into the shower. I washed my hair and body and quickly got out. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and putted a bit of make-up on. I searched for my sweat shirt and jeans and got dressed. The moment I walked into the kitchen Jacob was done with the pancakes. “Goodmorning katy” he said. All I could say was “Pancakes” and I jumped to my seat. We stuffed our faces with pancakes and half an hour later we cleaned everything up and we sat on the couch. “Do you have plans for today” I asked him. “No not really, think I’m going to Evan if you don’t mind” he replied, still looking at the tv. I hated hearing him say that he is going to Evan but whatever. “hmm” I replied. “Do you have plans” he asked me. “Louis asked if I came over” I said to him. “Okay” he said. Why was he acting like this? was he still mad about the day before? I walked upstairs to get dressed. I putted my suitcase on my bed and started looking for something nice to wear. I finally decided to go with a cute pair of shorts and  black shirt with a heart on it. I brushed my hair and let it fall in my natural waves. I putted on my blue all stars and a bit of lip-gloss, ready to go!( ) I walked downstairs and felt like I had forgotten something, but what. After walking to Louis for 5 minutes I knew it, I didn’t know where he lives. I grabbed my phone and called Louis. “Helloo?” Louis picked up his phone. “Hey, it’s Kate” I answered him. “Hey Kate, I thought you were coming over today” he said. “Well, I am coming over, but I don’t really know where you guys live” I said, a bit ashamed. “Ow hahaha, I will pick you up. Just tell me where you are right now” he said laughing at me. I told him where I was and 10 minutes later I sat in his car on our way to his apartment. I told Louis everything about the day before, and he understood everything. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. Wow his eyes are beautiful! Kate keep yourself together!. “Everything will be alright” he said to me. “I hope so” I replied. We suddenly stopped and I saw we were at his apartment. I walked to the door. All of the sudden Harry opened the door. “Kate!!” he said while he pulled me into a big hug. “Hey harry” was all I could say because he was suffocating me. “Leave some for us" I heard Niall say behind Harry. Harry putted me back on the ground and stepped aside so Niall could hug me. “Katy!!” Niall hugged me, not as tight as Harry did. “Hi kate” Liam and Zayn said while giving me a small hug. “So what are the plans” I asked, no one specific. “Well we were going to watch a movie” Liam said. Sitting next to me on the couch. “Which movie?” I asked him. “Saw” they said at the same time. “I love scary movies” I said. They all looked at me with a surprised look. “Okay” Niall said while putting the movie on. I sat next to Louis. Almost the whole movie I was laying with my head in his chest. Hey I said I liked them, didn’t say I watch them. When the movie was over Louis moved so I looked at him. “We’re you a bit scared” he asked me in a childish voice. “Maybe a bit” I said with a smile. “Awh, but we’re always here to protect you” Harry said while sitting next to me and hugging me tight, again. “I know” I said and hugged him back. “Group hug” Niall screamed and before I knew it I was being squeezed in between the 5 boys. 

Tonight I was going to them again. It was my time to choose a movie, I picked Scary movie 3 because I freaking love Scary movies. I had to meet them at theirs a 8 pm. It was only 4. I decided to lay in the backyard because the sun was shining. I know the sun shining in London, wow. I grabbed my book and a drink and went out to the backyard. I was sitting in the sun and at some point I must have fallen asleep.
“should we wake her up?” I heard a voice. “Yeah, but nice” another voice said. “I have an idea” the first person said. I wanted to open my eyes but I was too tired. I didn’t hear anything for a while and I went back to sleep.
“Oh  my gosh” I screamed loud when I was rudely waken up with a bucket full of water emptied above my head. I looked around and saw Niall and Harry standing next to me, trying really hard not to laugh. “I…we .. are so sorry” Niall said between fits of laughter. When they were finished laughing Harry began to explain “We wanted to wake you up, and we didn’t know how, so yeah we grabbed a bucket full of water and yeah you know”. I didn’t say anything just walked past them to my room.
“Are you angry with us?” Niall asked, with his puppy eyes. “no” was all I said. “Okay” Harry said looking like he didn’t know what just happened. “Now go I have to change” I said while walking to my closet. I grabbed my favourite black jeans and a red top and my red all-stars. I quickly straightened my hair and putted on some mascara and eyeliner. ( )I decided I was going to get the boys back, so I walked into my brothers room and grabbed his scary mask he used to scary me with when we were younger. I walked downstairs to find Harry and Niall eating my brothers last box of oreo’s. “Hey, you ready to go?” Harry asked me. I quickly grabbed the movie and we got into their car. Nobody talked during the ride, I think they didn’t understand why I was acting so calm. I really look forward to scaring them. We arrived at their apartment and we got out of the car. Harry walked to the door and Niall towards me “Are you sure you’re not mad at us?” he asked me. “Yes Niall I’m sure” I replied while giving him a hug. “Good because I really don’t want you to be mad at me” said while we walked to their apartment.
We were halfway through the movie and I was half asleep. I was lying on Liam’s shoulder. “Do you want something to drink” he asked me. I suddenly was wide awake and fully aware mof the fact I still hadn’t scared Niall and Harry. “I will walk with you” I replied to Liam and we both walked to the kitchen. “Liam, I need your help” I said to him grabbing my purse with the mask inside. I held the mask in my hand and Liam looked at it, not understanding what I was planning to do. I told him about that afternoon when Niall and Harry woke me up (I still didn’t understand how they came into my backyard)  and what my plan was. He agreed with everything and we walked back into the living room where everyone was still watching the movie.  Liam and I went back to our seats. When the movie was over everyone had fallen asleep except for me and Liam. Time to start our plan.


I want to thank all of the people that are reading my story.
I really love writing it, but i would like some feedback of you.
Love ya

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now