Chapter 13

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I'm so sorry i I didn't upload!! But here it is!


Kate POV

When we were done eating I cleaned everything away. Liam helped me. “Kate  can I talk to you?” he asked. I wasn’t really paying attention so I just continued what I was doing. “You know abaout last night” he started. Ohw he heard me say it back. Did he mean it? Or was he sleeping and talking about someone else? What if he really meant it? Okay  Kate don’t freak out! Just breath and wait what he has to say. “I really meant what I said” he finished his sentence. Kate, keep breathing! I looked him in the eyes, those beautiful brown eyes. NO Kate! “I did too” was all I could say.“So uhm, kate what I’m trying to ask is if you will be my girlfriend”  he said looking at the ground. Awh he is nervous, that is so cute. He is cute. We would be cute. KATE SAY SOMETHING! I can’t. this would never work. I have to go back to New York in 2 weeks. And a long distance relationship doesn’t work. But he is so cute! There are cute boys in New York too. But.. there is no but, don’t do it. This will leaving Lonodn only harder.

“Of course” I said and looked at him. I looked in those gorgeous brown eyes and his beautiful lips. I looked back into his eyes. He leaned closer…..I leaned closer and before I knew it our lips touched. And this might sound cliché but I felt a spark.

We finished the sleepover and everyone went their separate ways. Liam and I went to his apartment and I fell asleep there. The next day the boys had a rehearsal and I and Lilly went to the mall. We had a fun time and even bought some things. We ate something at Nandos and after that we went back to the boys. Lilly went to Harry and I went to Liam.

Liam and I had a movie night. We just cuddled on the couch and ate popcorn. I really like Liam, I might even love him. But I can’t stop thinking about the fact I have to leave him in 2 weeks. Let’s just make the best out of this. Liam and I watched a movie and halfway through the second one I fell asleep. Liam carried me to the bedroom and laid me in bed.

The next morning I woke up by the beautiful sound of my boyfriend (yes I can now officially say boyfriend) singing while making breakfast. I got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. I saw him standing there making breakfast in his pj’s. I heard his phone. I walked towards it and saw someone texted him. I looked at it and saw it was from Danielle. Why would he text his ex-girlfriend. I opened the text ( I know I shoudn’t do that, but we are in a relationship and don’t have secrets for each other, right?) and saw they had a pretty big conversations.

From: Danielle

Babe, it’s alright, we will find a way. Love you see you tomorrow x.

What is this all about. I searched for the text Liam sent her but I couldn’t find it. I read the text over and over again, the tears streaming down my face. Why? what is going on? Is he cheating on me with her? Or on her with me? I grabbed my jacked and walked out of Liam’s apartment.

I went to the only place I could think of, Niall.


I hope you like it!

xxx love you! 

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now