Chapter 6

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Louis POV
Ever since I met Kate on the plane I haven’t stopped thinking about her. She is just so nice and beautiful, I think I fancy her. But I’m with Eleanor and I love her. I think I should just try not to think about Kate anymore and continue being friends with her.
Kate was coming over and brought Scary movie. Halfway through the movie I fell asleep, dreaming about Kate. Suddenly I heard a scream and I immediately woke up. It was Kate who was screaming and it was coming from the bathroom. I looked around and saw Harry and Louis both awake. We rushed to the bathroom just to find Kate sitting in a corner. “Kate what happened” Harry asked. “I-I-I… There was…. a… somebody… omg I’m so scared” She said shaking and really looking scared. “Kate look at me” Niall said “Tell us what happened”. “I-I-I-I was just going to the bathroom to check myself and stuff and then I saw something in the mirror behind me, and then I turned around and it went to the door away, just before you got here” she said still shaking like crazy. “It was probably just your imagination” I said trying to calm Kate down. She looked at and was calming down a bit. “Yeah I think” she said giving us a hug. When she hugged me she was looking at the door and suddenly she screamed again. I turned around and all I saw was something black turning away from us. “oh my god, there it is” I almost screamed at Niall and Harry. “Niall, stay here with Kate and Harry come with me” I said to them and Harry followed me. Harry and I walked to the living room.  “Did you find it already?” Niall whispered. I looked at him confused “Weren’t you supposed to stay with Kate?” I asked him. “She had to use the bathroom, so I walked out” he replied, like it was the most obvious thing ever. “Just go back to her” I said to him. When Niall was about to walk back to Kate, I heard her scream again. I hope nothing bad happened to her. I can’t lose her! I ran towards where Kate was supposed to be, but she wasn’t. Niall, Harry and I looked for her everywhere. Even under my bed.
She was gone ….

Kate POV
I told Niall I had to go to the toilet so he walked away. Liam went to his apartment and I was supposed to meet him there. I kind of feel bad for scaring Louis, but yeah, too late to change it. I screamed one last time and ran out of Louis’ apartment to Liam’s. I knocked 4 times on the door so Liam would know it was me. He opened and I got in his apartment as quiet as I could. “Time for step 2” I said to him. Liam grabbed his phone, he had some kind of app that made your number invisible for the person you were calling. I walked to Liam’s closet to grab his voice changers (I don’t know why Liam has these, but I don’t want to know either) and walked back to the living room. Liam called Louis number and after the second dial tone Louis picked up his phone. “Hello?  Who am I speaking with?” Louis asked. “That doesn’t matter” Liam said in a really weird voice “The only thing that matters is that I have your little friend here”. “Louis please help me” I said trying really hard not to giggle. “Oh my god, Kate. Are you okay?” Louis said sounding really worried. “Louis….Please….come…” I said and Liam hang up his phone. We both burst out in laughter. “Oh my gosh they are so worried” I said when I was calmed down a bit. “This is so funny” Liam replied. We both started laughing again. After 5 minutes of laughing really hard we decided we tortured them enough. Liam and I went out to the balcony and climbed over the fence that separates Louis’ and Liam’s balcony. We peeked through Louis window and we didn’t see anyone. Liam and I went in through Louis’ window and hid behind the couch. I putted Evan’s masker on and Liam one he found in his apartment. Harry, Niall and Louis walked in and sat on the couch where we were hiding behind. “We are never going to find her like this” Harry said. “Maybe we should call Paul so he can help us” Niall replied. Liam and I stood up behind the other boys. Liam poked Niall shoulder and I poked Harry’s. They looked up and saw us.  I swear they screamed like little girls and started hitting us with pillows. “What the hell is going on in here” Zayn said while walking into the living room. Really did he sleep through all of this? wow. “Liam and Kate scared us really bad” Niall laughed. “I don’t see what’s funny” Louis said. Liam and I told him everything from the bucket full of water from Harry and Niall till hiding behind the couch.
Everyone walked out of the apartment leaving Louis and I alone. We sat on the couch together just looking through the empty apartment. “Kate, please don’t ever scare me like that again” Louis said staring into my eyes “I thought I’d lost you”. “Louis, you won’t ever lose me” I reassured him. I stared into his beautiful eyes. We both leaned closer and right before our lips touched the doorbell rang.

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now