Chapter 11

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“uhm Lilly, there is something I need to ask you”

“Well, last night was really fun and I had a really nice time and, yeah what I’m trying to say is that I like you. So uhm” Harry got cut of  by Liam storming into the room. “Owh sorry, I was just grabbing something” he said awkwardly and grabbed something out of his drawer. Liam walked away and I looked back at Harry. “Uhm Lilly, will you be my girlfriend?” Harry asked really nervous. Is this really happening?  Is the Harry Styles asking me to be his girlfriend? Wow! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!! “I would love to” I said and blushed. He looked me deep in the eyes and before I knew it our lips touched. “Are you gu- wow what is going on in here” Niall walked into the room. “LILLY AND HARRY ARE KISSING!!!” Niall screamed through the house. Within 10 seconds everyone was standing in Liam’s room. Harry and I were sitting really awkward in the bed and were looking at everything, except for the people standing in front of us. “Lilly, can I talk to you for a second” Kate asked in a serious tone and pulled me out of the room, Perrie and Eleanor walking closely behind us. “do you need to tell us something” Perrie asked with a big smile. “Well, Harry kind of asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes” I said while looking at the ground. “Oh my god Lilly, you’re part of the family now!”. They all hugged me. “wait what? Kate are you part of the family too?” I asked her? “Not yet” she answered.

Kate POV

We all ate our dinner and went back to the living room. “Okay, so what are we going to do?” Niall asked. “maybe we could do an old fashion sleepover” Louis suggested. “I like that” I said. “Okay we will do that then” Liam said and walked over to the couch. “Me and Kate will go home and get our stuff then” Lilly said and grabbed her keys. “okay see you in an hour. We will make sure everything is ready when you come back” Louis said. Lilly and I walked out of the apartment to the car. While we were driving we just talked about random stuff. Until she started to talk about Liam. “So how are you and Liam?” she asked me. “I really don’t know. He is so sweet. And I feel like I can tell him everything. But I don’t know if he likes me for me, or just to forget Danielle? I really don’t know” I said completely honest. Yes I do have feelings for Liam, but I don’t know.

We arrived at  my brother’s house and I walked inside. “I will be back in 15 minutes so hurry up!” Lilly screamed and drove away. I walked inside and saw my brother and Evan sitting on the couch watching soccer. I looked at them, shook my head and walked upstairs. I grabbed all the things I needed, but realised I didn’t have a bag to put everything in. I walked back downstairs. “Jacob (my brother) do you have a bag where I can put my stuff in for a sleepover” I asked him, trying really hard to ignore Evan. “Who’s having a sleepover” Evan asked me. I didn’t reply. “Kate, can you please answer him” Jacob asked me. “I’m going to have a sleepover at Louis’s apartment. Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Eleanor, Perrie and Lilly are coming too” I answered him so polite as possible (it didn’t work out so well). “Aren’t that the names of the boys from that boyband?” Evan asked me. “Yes they are. And they are my best friends. And one of them my boyfriend” I replied grinning. “You’re dating a superstar and I don’t know about that?” Jacob said, a bit offended. “Sorry about that, I will tell you tomorrow” I said “So where do you have that bag?” I asked him. “In my room, behind the door” he answered. I turned round and walked back upstairs. Yes I know, I lied about that whole boyfriend thing, but I just wanted to make Evan jealous. But maybe it will be true, by the time I talk to my brother…who knows?

I putted everything in the bag and walked back downstairs. I looked at my phone and saw that Lilly texted that she was standing outside. “Bye, see ya” I screamed through the house and walked back outside.

Lilly and I arrived at Louis’s apartment. When we walked in we saw matrasses everywhere on the ground and a lot of candy. All the boys and girls were sitting in front of the television. They turned around when they heard us and jumped up to hug us. “Don’t ever leave me alone with those idiots. It was horrible!” Niall screamed and fake cried in my shoulder. “What happened?” I asked him smiling. “It was traumatising, it was horrible” he said still fake crying in my shoulder. “Niall, it wasn’t that bad. The only thing we did was say you couldn’t touch the candy” Eleanor patted him on the head. “Aaah now I see. I’m always here for you Nialler” I said hugging him. Niall laughed and walked away, to where the candy was. I looked next to me and I saw Harry and Lilly, how could it be different, kissing. “Save that for your alone time!” Louis screamed while pulling them apart to give Lilly a hug. When we were ready to start our sleep over we all choose a matrass and mine was in between those of Niall and Liam. We started with Just Dance on the xbox Kinect, after that we did guitar hero (not fair because Niall won). When we were done with the xbox we started a game of Truth or Dare, and I’m warning you, don’t ever play that game with the boys. They are so weird!

At like 4 am everyone was exhausted and we decided to sleep.

Everyone went to their matrass and fell almost asleep immediately when I almost fell asleep I felt someone move closer to me. “I love you” the person said and putted his arm around me. “I love you too” I said and fell asleep.

Helloo ma lovely unicorns

Thankk you all for reading my story and I hope you like it. 

bye bye xxx

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now