Chapter 4

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Last time:

I turned around and looked right into the eyes of the person I didn’t want to see.  


Evan my ex-boyfriend was sitting on my brother’s couch. I know they are friends and thing like that, but that doesn’t mean he has to invite him when he knows I come over. He knows how I broke down after our break-up. The break-up between Evan an I was partly a reason why I moved to America. Evan and I were in a relationship for 3 years. I loved him with all my heart. We even talked about getting married and thing like that. He was my first real boyfriend and I couldn’t ask for a nicer boyfriend. He wasn’t only my lover but also my best friend. One day he came over to my house, my best friend Lilly was there too(well I don’t know if she still is my best friend. I didn’t really speak to her after I moved). I had to help my mother with something downstairs. I was gone for 10  minutes and when I came back, I saw them making out. On my bed! We immediately broke up and a weak later I moved to America. 

“Hey” he said, awkwardly sitting in the couch. “What is he doing here” I turned to my brother. “well, he was here and I thought that when you called he could just go and nothing was wrong. But you came without calling” he said blaming me for this all. “I’m going” I said turning away from my brother and heading towards the door. “Kate, please wait” Jacob called after me, but I was already halfway down the street.

I walked around for a long time. I walked to the shops and sat on a bench. I looked at my phone to see if I had a message of something like that. Nothing. I guess Rachel is sleeping. “Kate?” I heard someone say. I could recognise that voice everywhere. Lilly. “Lilly” I jumped up and into her arms. “Oh my god, it really is you!” she screamed at me, she pushed me away to look at me. “You’ve changed” she said “for the better of course” she added. I blushed and replied “you too”. “How are you? where were you? Why didn’t you tell me?  why didn’t you pick up your phone? I missed you” She hugged me really tight. “Can we go to your  place and talk about it?” I asked. “Of course” she said smiling. She grabbed my hand and we walked towards her car. In the car we were just awkwardly sitting next to each other. When we came to her house we sat on the couch and I started telling my story “I was in New York” I said, hoping that was enough and she didn’t need a further explanation. “Why?” she asked me with real interest “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to”. Could I tell her everything? I mean she was my best friend an so, but I haven’t seen her in 3 years. Can I still trust her. And then there is the thing with Evan. Sure I hated her for that, but I think it wasn’t her fault. Like she could read my mind Lilly began to talk about it “kate, you know I’m really sorry. But if it makes you feel better after the time he kissed me I ignored him completely. I really am sorry. I don’t want you to hate me”. “Lilly how could I hate you. You have been my friend since 1st grade. I’m really sorry that I didn’t call you or something like that” I said, truly feeling sorry. I shouldn’t have ignored her. “It’s okay” she replied, tears welling up in her eyes. I hugged her really tight. We sat like that for what seemed like forever. I missed her. “I missed you” she said. “I missed you too” I replied “really much”. We pulled away from each other and talked about everything that happened. From why I left till when I came back and saw Evan. She told me about school and everything like that. At 6 o’clock I got a text from Jacob asking if I came home. “I think I should go now” I said to Lilly. I stood up and hugged her one last time “Thank you for everything” I said. “No problem” she replied “We should do this again”. “Definitely” was all I said when I walked out of her house.

It was a 10 minute walk to my brother’s house. When I came there he hugged me like I had been gone for days. “Please don’t ever walk away again” he said. “awh, were you worried about your little sister?” I asked him teasingly. “Yes I did, very much” he replied smiling “I don’t want my little sister getting lost” he added. “I’m hungry” I said. “you haven’t changed a bit” he said pulling me into the kitchen. “I made… drum roll please” he said, really proud of himself. I gave him a drum roll and almost fell of my chair laughing about the dance he did. “I made…. Lasagne” he said still smiling. “I LOVE LASAGNE” I screamed jumping into his arms. “I KNOW GURL” he screamed back with a girly voice. When we were finished with the lasagne we watched our favourite movie….MULAN. We both love that movie and were singing along all the time. At one point we were dancing in the table singing and dancing. When the movie was finished I was really tired, stupid jetlag. “I think I’m going to bed”  I said to my brother and walked upstairs to the guest room. I putted  my pj’s on, brushed my teeth and jumped into bed. I grabbed my phone to text Rachel. To BestgirlinamericaRachel (she putted the name in herself) Heeee gurl, how ya doing without mee? I hate England, it’s so colddd :( But I saw Evan today, you know that cheating little piece of shit, yeah that one, he was sitting on my brothers couch. I know what ya thinking WHAT? Well I thought the same. I stormed out and bumped into Lilly, the friend he cheated with on me (If that makes sense) we talked for a long time and she was really nice. Also I met this boy on the plane, he is really cute!! We aer going to meet up soon (I hope). I miss you sooooo much. Love you!! Xxxx your little katyboo (she choose the nickname not me). When I’d send the text I got a texted from Niall; From NiallisthecoolestIrishmani’veevermet (again he did the name, not me): Heee, do you want to come over tomorrow? Goodnight form us all xxxx. Awh that’s so sweet. I quickly replied. To NiallisthecoolestIrishmani’veevermet: I would love to come over!! Goodnight to you too xxxx. I putted my phone away and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Another chapter for you guys. I know it's a really boring one but there are things you must know for later on in the story.

I'll make another chapter when I get 3 votes.

Love ya x 

When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now