Chapter 10

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Still Lilly POV

Woke up still in the arms of Harry. Wow he really stayed, he is so cute with his curls falling on his face, just wow. I tried to get out of his arms to go and make breakfast, but he tightened his grip around me.  “Don’t go” he said in his sleepy morning voice. “I’m sorry” I whispered and laid back down.  we laid like that for a couple of minutes before Liam and Kate stormed into our room. “Wakey, Wakey” they screamed and jumped on the bed. I kept my eyes closed and moved closer to Harry. “go” he said still half asleep. “Nooooo,  you have to wake up, we are going shopping!” Kate screamed and jumped on top of me and Harry. “I don’t want to go shopping” Harry said and moved closer to me. We are really close, close like there was no more space in between us. I kind of like it. I have been a Harry girl since the beginning of One Direction. I love his curls and sexy smile, but now I notice he has a really nice personality and he is just even more amazing. I think I’m falling in love with him. “Lilly, I thought you were awake already” I heard Harry say and I opened my eyes. I think I was too deep in thoughts because I didn’t notice that Kate and Liam left. “I’m awake” I smiled. “So we have to be ready in 2 hours” Harry said and I nodded “So I will go start with breakfast” he said. “Can I take a shower?” I asked him. “yeah sure” he showed me the bathroom and gave me a towel. I quickly took a shower and got dressed in the clothes from the day before. I did my make-up (yes I brought my make-up with me, you never know what can happen) and my hair. When I was done I walked into the kitchen where Harry was making breakfast. “Hello love” he said and gave me a hug. “What are you making” I asked him and looked into the bowl. “I’m making pancakes” he said with a big smile, he must really like pancaked. “Did someone say pancakes? I’m coming!” I heard Kate scream and she walked into the kitchen. “How do you come in here” Harry asked her really confused. “You gave Louis a key of your apartment. Louis gave a key of his apartment to Zayn, Zayn gave one to Niall and Niall to Liam. So we went over to Niall and we grabbed the key of Zayn’s apartment, then we went to Louis and that’s where we got the key of you apartment” Kate explained “Do you get it” she asked making sure Harry understood. “Yeah, you two are evil” Harry said pointing to Kate and Liam. “And you are burning delicious pancakes” Liam said and pointed to the pan where Harry was baking the pancakes in. Harry quickly grabbed the pan of the stove and putted it in the sink. “Okay that didn’t go so well” he said and looked a bit ashamed of what he did. “Lilly and I will make the pancakes so you and Liam can go do…uhm… what boys do” Kate said and shooed Harry and Liam away. She grabbed the bowl of pancake mix and putted it into the pan. “So you and Liam eh” I said to her wanting to know everything that happened. “I don’t know” she said and started to look sad. “Okay, that’s not good, tell me what happened” I said grabbing two chairs and we sat down. “Well we had a lot of fun and stuff, and he is really nice. I think I really like him. But I don’t think he likes me. He is really nice but that’s everything. Yesterday after the movie he carried me to his apartment and we talked for a bit. About everything from why I moved to New York till why I came back, it was really nice I really feel like I can tell him everything. And that we’re really good friends but I don’t think he thinks it can be more” she said and she started to tear up. “I feel at home here with the boys, but in 2 weeks I have to go back to New York. I really don’t want that, I don’t want to lose Liam and the others” she continued now crying. I gave her a hug and reassured her that I will get better. That she won’t lose them. When she calmed down a bit I stood up and finished the pancakes. We called the boys and we ate the pancakes. Liam looked at Kate the whole time, he looked at her the way lovers look at each other, but also like he was sorry. I really have to ask him what that is about.

When we were finished with the pancakes we went over to the living room, and waited for the other boys to go shopping. Harry told us that Perrie and Eleanor were coming too. I’m really excited to meet them. We watched television till the others walked in. I introduced myself to Eleanor and Perrie and we went to the car.

It is really nice shopping with Perrie, Eleanor and Kate. They all have great taste in fashion and we all got nice new clothes.  When we were finished shopping everyone (even the boys) had at least one full bag of clothes. We all were tired and went back to Liam’s apartment. Kate, Perrie and Eleanor started to make diner and the boys and I (I can’t cook) were watching television. Harry sat next to me and asked if I could come with him. We walked to Liam’s room and sat on the bed.

“Uhm Lilly, there is something I need to ask you”


i hope everyone likes my book.

i try to uploade everyday (if i have time)

Soo enjoy!


When two worlds collide (a Liam Payne love story) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now