First Fight

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First, the outfit Layla wears for the next like three chapters is the outfit in the picture. Okay everyone. So this is like a warning because I don't know how to write fight scenes that good so I am just going to try to wing it and see what comes out. Also, if I get anything wrong please excuse me. Now let's get this started!

Layla's POV:

Me, Chase, Shelby, Tyler, Koda, and Riley where in the base talking about my new job as a waitress at the museum café when suddenly the alarm goes off and Kendall goes to check the map. "Alien life signs detected in downtown. You guys better hurry because innocent people are getting hurt!" She said and we all nodded. We grabbed our energems and ran out of the base. Once we got there, the monster was waiting for us. "Hey! That's enough!" Tyler said. The monster smilied before saying, "Oh look who it is! The puny power rangers! Wait, there's another one?!? Oh well, I guess I will just have to destroy that one too!" I rolled my eyes. 'Well isn't someone confident?' I thought.

"It's Morphin Time! Dino Charger, Ready!" we shouted. "Energize! Unleash The Power!" we shouted as we morphed.

"Tyrannosaurs Rex, Power Ranger Red!", Tyler said.

"Parasaurolophus, Power Ranger Black!", Chase said.

"Stegosaurus, Power Ranger Blue!", Koda said.

"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green!", Riley said.

"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink!", Shelby said.

"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua!", I said.

We all morphed and started to fight. Viviz started to circle me and attack me. The first two came at me and I kicked them in the stomach making them stumble back. The next two came at me fast and I roundhouse kicked them in the face and punched the other in the stomach. The more that I took out, the more that came. "Okay I am getting really tired of you Vivix," I took out my sword. "Final Strike!" I yelled and strike them with my sword. That took all of them out. I ran to help the others when Fury got in my way. "Get out of my way Fury!" I said to him. He took out a sword and aimed it at me.

We ended up in a one on one battle while the rest took care of the Viviz that were left. By the way it looked, Fury had the upper hand and I was getting exhausted. We where at battle for about 15 minutes and I knew that I was almost done for. He hit me with an attack that sent me flying and I hit a wall. I demorphed and tried to get up but it was no use. "Now to finish you!" Fury said. He was about to hit me with his sword when another sword blocked it. I looked up the best I could and saw Chase there.

Chase pulled Fury's sword back then strike him. He stumbled back. "This is not over rangers!" Fury said then dissapered. Chase demorphed with the other rangers demorphing and coming towards us. "Are you okay?" Chase asked me while helping me up. I was about to answer but my vision started getting blurry. Then I saw nothing.........I fell into unconsciousness.

Chase's POV:

When I helped Layla up and asked her if she was okay, she looked like she was about to answer then she fainted. I caught her just before she hit the ground. The others came over and started looking worried for Layla. I picked her up and carried her bridal style. "We should get back to the base and have Kendall and Keeper check on her." Tyler said and everybody nodded.

When we got there, Kendall saw me holding Layla and told me to put her on the cot. I put her gently on the cot and she got a scanner looking for any broken bones. "Luckily there are no broken bones. How did this happen?" Kendall asked us. Nobody answered so I spoke up. "While we were busy fighting Viviz, Fury and Layla started fighting for almost thirty minutes. He almost finished her before we stepped in. He left then she fainted." I said. Kendall nodded. "It looks like she passed out due to exhaustion, and a lot of use of her power. She should rest then she will be fine." Keeper said and we all sighed in relieve.

Everyone said that they were going to get some food at the cafe and asked if I wanted to joined them but I said that I was fine. I didn't have to work today so I stayed in the base with Keeper and Layla. "Do you like her Chase?" Keeper suddenly asked me. I looked at him in confusion. "Yes, yes he does." Kendall suddenly said coming into the base. I blushed. "No I don't! We are just best friends." I said but none of them looked convinced. "Then why are you here, by Layla, and not in the cafe with the others?" Kendall asked. I blushed and said nothing.

"Never mind." I said then layed my head on Layla's cot slowly falling asleep. I heard Kendall chuckling in the background knowing that she won our little argument. I sighed and let sleep take over me with one thought in my mind, 'Do I like Layla?'

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