Kendall's Missing Part 3

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A/N: And here is the final part to the 'Kendall's Missing' little series. I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of this chapter. There is a lot of fighting in this chapter and yeah, so hope you like the story. Enjoy!

Layla's POV:

"Not useless. Not weak. I might not have my energem power, but I can still kick your butt."

I kicked my foot under Fury's feet, sending him tumbling to the ground. I took that time to get to my feet and in a fighting stance. Fury got up and took out his blaster before blasting at me. I jumped out of the way and landed beside a broken cell.

I saw Fury put away his blaster only to charge at me with his sword. I looked on the floor beside me and saw a piece of the broken cell bar and grabbed it. As Fury swung his sword down at me, I raised the bar and blocked it before kicking Fury back. He stumbled at my kick but quickly regained his balance before charging at me once again.

I blocked the attack again before pushing his sword at and hitting him in the side with the bar, making him drop his sword and my energem. The energem landed a few feet away from us and I went to go grab it. But, when I took a step to grab my energem, Fury grabbed my ankle making me fall. I kicked his hand away before getting up once again.

He grabbed his sword and tried to trip me with it by swinging it at my feet, but I jumped in time before doing a backflip towards my energem. I grabbed it and grinned as Fury yelled, "No!" I hooked my energem back on my necklace just as Fury was getting up. "That's my energem Aqua Ranger." Fury hissed. I smirked before responding.

"If it's your energem, then why am I going to do this?" I took out my Dino Charger. "Dino Charger! Ready! Energize! Unleash The Power!" I called out as I morphed. I grabbed my sword before charging at Fury, he blocked my attack. In return, I side kicked him which made him lose balance. I took that chance to grab my blaster and blast Fury back.

He hit a pipe making it smoke in the room. I looked around for an exit and ran through it, needing to find Kendall. I found myself back in the beginning of the hallway I saw in my dreams. I started to carefully walk down the hallway, keeping my guard up just in case. Once I got to the end, I saw Kendall's cell. She was sitting down on the little stool in there. "Kendall." I said. She looked up and smiled before walking towards me.

"Layla!" She exclaimed. "Stand back." I told her as I pulled out my sword. She did as I said and I swung my sword at the lock, making it fall off. She opened the cell door and got out of the cell. I demorphed as she hugged me. "C'mon, we need to get out of here." I told her, about to turn around. But, she stopped me. "No." She said. "What?" I asked her, making sure that I heard correctly.

"Layla. This might be our only chance to get back the Purple energem. We need to make sure that Sledge never gets it again." Kendall said. I looked towards the cockpit of the ship and sighed. 'I guess this might be our only chance.' I thought before nodding. "Okay, let's go grab the energem." I said. She smiled and we started running towards the main room of the spaceship. When we got there, we both split up and started to look around for the energem.

I heard Kendall exclaim, "Got it!" I turned around and started walking to Kendall, only to be blasted back into the wall behind me. I slid down and groaned in pain. "What the?" I whispered, looking up to see Sledge with his blaster aimed at me. I saw Kendall with wide eyes as she looked between me and Sledge. I slowly got up, holding my side in pain.

"Sledge." I said through gritted teeth. "Aqua Ranger, you didn't think that I would let you leave here alive with my energems, did you?" He asked. "I was counting on it actually." I said sarcastically. "But either way, I kinda figured it wouldn't happen." I said shrugging. "Dino Charger! Ready! Energize! Unleash The Power!" I called out, morphing before getting into a fighting stance once again.

"Ankylo-Sword!" I called out, making my sword appear in my hand. Sledge charged at me as I swung my sword at him. I slashed him back before roundhouse kicking him, making him stumble back. I saw the corner of my eye, Kendall debating whether to help out of leave this to me.

She looked at me and I nodded at her, signaling that she could leave. She looked hesitated at first but left out the room. I sighed in relieve, knowing that she wouldn't get hurt before putting my focus back on the battle.

3rd Person's POV:

As Kendall left the room, Sledge and Layla continued their fight. "You'll never win Aqua Ranger!" Sledge exclaimed as he slashed Layla with his sword. Layla stumbled back and fell on the ground. "I know that I might never win, but the others will never quit. You would just give them one more reason to fight." She told him before getting back up and attacking once again.

Due to all of her wounds, Layla's attacks were getting messier and her dodging was more slow. Sledge, seeing this as an opportunity, got out his blaster and once again blasted Layla to the wall. Her ankle twisted when she hit the wall, causing her to scream out in pain as she slid down. She demorphed due to the pain and grabbed her ankle.

Kendall, who was outside the room watching the fight, gasped. She saw as Sledge made his way towards Layla to attack once again. He slashed her with his sword making her cry out in pain again. Kendall looked around the room until she saw a steel made bucket. She slowly and quietly made her way to the bucket inside the room and grabbed it.

Kendall made her way towards Sledge and threw the bucket at him, hitting him on his head. The pain made him back away from Layla and put his attention on Kendall. She gulped as she held the Purple energem in her hand. The power from the Purple energem started to surge through Kendall before she morphed into the Purple Power Ranger.

She looked down in shock and Layla's eyes widened at the sight. Kendall grabbed her sword before attacking Sledge. They ended up in a full on battle until Sledge blasted something that caught fire. "I'm getting out of here." Sledge said before running out of the room. Kendall immediately rushed towards Layla and knelled down next to her.

"Layla. We have to go." She said, helping Layla up before they started to walk out of the room. Layla, ignoring the pain in her twisted ankle, grabbed Kendall's arm before superspeeding towards the place where the exit was. Layla fell on the ground in pain, unable to move.

She looked up and Kendall and smiled, "Kendall. You need to jump. The others are there, okay?" Layla asked her. "What about you?" Kendall asked Layla but all she did was smile. "I'll...catch up." Layla said before she slowly got up and pushed Kendall through the hole in the ground and saw Jessica's zord catch her.

Layla's POV:

The ship started to go down and I started to black out from the pain. But before I did, I saw someone in a Red suit jump through the hole. It was another Power Ranger. "You'll be okay, Layla. I promise." He said, carrying me on his back. 

'Why does this voice sound so familiar?' I thought before blacking out.

A/N: Cliffhanger, I guess. Who is the Ranger? I'll give you a hint, it's not Tyler. But, if it's not him then who is it? And what's going to happen with the monsters and the ship? All the question and more will be answered in upcoming chapters! This seriously sounds like a commercial! Anyway, until next time. Bye!

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