A New Ranger

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A/N: Two updates in one night! Yay! So here is the second part to 'Unpleasant Jog'. Hope you like it! I'm trying to work on more chapters since I seriously have to update more! Anyway, please enjoy the story!

Chase's POV:

We ran to where Kendall last tracked Layla's energem and found ourselves at the woods. We looked around the little area. "Layla was definitely here." Bella said, squatting near the ground. "How do you know?" I asked her, walking over to where she was. "Because, the way the dirt is messed up like this, it looks like a fight happened here." She said, getting up. 

I nodded, looking around worried. 'I hope nothing bad happened to her.' I thought before we regrouped. "Okay, so we know Layla was here but not anymore. Now the real question," Tyler started. "Where is she now?"Jessica asked. We all looked at each other worried. I was about to say something before I got cut off by the Dino Com. 

"Chase, there's a girl here. She says that she needs to talk to you." Kendall said. I looked at Bella in confusion but she just shrugged. "On our way." I told Kendall before we all looked at each other, nodding. We then started to run back to the museum. Once we got there, the others went to the base while I went to the cafe to look for this girl who was looking for me. 

"Excuse me, but are you Chase?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see a girl around my age. I nodded. "Yeah, how can I help you?" I asked her. "Well, you see. It's not really me that you're going to help." She said while I looked at her in confusion. "My name is Phoebe and I was sent here to tell you that Layla is in trouble." She told me. 

My eyes widened at Layla's name. I pulled her to the side where nobody could hear us. "How do you know Layla and how do you know that she is in trouble?" I asked her. 

"I know her because of this." She said before holding out her hand in a closed fist. When she opened her hand, my eyes widened. It was the Silver energem. "The Silver energem." I muttered. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the museum and to the back. 

"What I'm about to show you, you cannot tell anyone. Understand?" I asked her and she nodded. I pulled back the tooth and the secret door opened. I slide down with Phoebe right behind me. When we got down, everyone looked at us. "Guys, this is Phoebe. And I believe that she knows where Layla is. Show them what you have." I told her. 

She held out the energem and everyone looked at it shocked. "The Silver energem!" Kendall exclaimed. "As much as I would like to explain everything to you, we have to ask you. What do you know about Layla?" Tyler asked, coming towards us. Phoebe sighed from beside me. 

"Layla protected me from this monster that she called Fury. He attacked me and she came from nowhere and blocked the attack. She told me to hide but I was taken by these weird white and green monsters. Layla passed out and we were taken to this warehouse. There, Layla got herself free and attacked Fury before releasing me and telling me to give you this message." Phoebe explained.

We all nodded and looked at each other. "Phoebe, do you happen to know where the warehouse is?"

Layla's POV:

I woke up to find myself strapped to a table with something strapped on my left arm. I groaned as my head started to hurt. "Finally awake I see." I heard Fury say. I looked to the side to see him at a machine that was connected to the strap on my arm. 

"I bet you're wondering what this is. You see, I figured out that I don't need your energem to get the power I need. You have the power so all I need to do is to get it from you. So this machine here, takes away your power. Leaving you, once again, defenseless. It also takes away all your energy, so you wouldn't be able to fight even if you were able to break free from the straps." Fury said, laughing. 

"They'll find you." I was able to say. This caught Fury's attention. "Who? You're Ranger friends? I doubt that. They don't even know where you are at." He said, confidently. "Are you sure about that?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" He growled.

"Remember that other girl that was with me? She's also a Power Ranger, she went to go tell the others where we are. So they'll find you, whether you like it or not." I said, smirking at the end. Just then, an explosion came from somewhere that caused the ground to shake. Fury growled before running out the room.

I felt my energy and power slowly leaving me as I started to get a little dizzy. I was starting to get weak and tired. I was about to pass out again when I heard someone call my name. "Layla!" It sounded like Chase. I fought to keep my eyes open as I yelled, "Chase!" I heard his footsteps coming towards the room as he barged in, morphed.

He saw me on the table and immediately came to my side. "Layla, are you okay?" He asked me but I shook my head. "The machine." I muttered. Chase turned around to see the machine and ran towards it. "What do I do?" He asked. I was about to tell him but I heard another pair of footsteps coming towards the room. Riley came in the room, also morphed.

"Riley." I said as he walked towards Chase and the machine. Both Riley and Chase started to mess with the machine as I felt the power and energy coming back to me. As I felt most of my power back in me, Chase came to my side and unstrapped me from the table before helping me up. As my feet hit the floor, I immediately lost my balance. Luckily, Chase caught me before I hit the ground.

"You okay?" He asked as I nodded. "C'mon guys, we need to go help the others." Riley told us as we nodded. We then started to run back to the others, together. I looked around to see them fighting a bunch of Vivix, except there was a Silver Ranger. "Phoebe." I muttered before smiling. "You ready to join us?" Chase asked as I nodded.

I stood in front of him before yelling, "It's Morphin Time! Dino Charger! Ready! Energize! Unleash The Power!" I morphed before running into the battle. I took down the Vivix coming my way by flipping them before actually attacking. "Ankylo-Sword!" I called out as my sword appeared in my hand. I then started to take down the Vivix.

Once we all finally got rid of all the Vivix we stood side by side, facing Fury. "Give it up Fury!" Koda yelled. "I'll be back Rangers!" Fury said before disappearing. We all demorphed and looked at each other. I turned to Phoebe and said, "Thanks." She nodded, smiling. "Welcome to the Power Ranger family. It just gets crazier from here." Shelby told Phoebe.

Phoebe laughed thinking we were joking but then stopped, realizing that we weren't kidding. We all turned around, leaving Phoebe to think. "You're kidding, right?" She asked. I shook my head, chuckling as Chase put his arm around my shoulder. "Guys! Wait up!" She yelled. 

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