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A/N: Another chapter for y'all. Thanks a bunch to mysticalhorse_R5girl for this idea!

Layla's POV:

Me, Chase and Koda headed out. We got to the warehouse where the others were and we all stood back to back looking at our surroundings. "We careful guys. They could be hiding anywhere." I said and they nodded in agreement then we split up.

I was walking around for five minutes looking for vivix or Fury until I heard the sound of fighting. I started running towards the sound and found vivix fighting Chase and Koda. Right now, the guys were outnumbered and the vivix had the guys cornered. "Hey! Get away from them!" I yelled while blasting the vivix away from them. I ran over to them and helped them up. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. They nodded. "Thanks to you mate! Still got the fire, huh?" Chase asked. I hit his arm playfully. "Shut up." more vivix came.

We started fighting them again. I finished off the ones around me and I heard Chase yell. "Layla! Go get the rest! We got this!" I looked over to them and nodded then started running towards the warehouse.

When I got there, I started running through hallways and turning corners looking for the others. I turned one corner and saw a bunch of vivix surrounding the door. 'That must be where they are!' I thought to myself. I got my sword and hit the vivix. I took all of them down in less then five minutes. I ran to the door and kicked it open. I looked inside and saw the others unconscious . "Guys!" I yelled.

They didn't move. I ran to Riley and started to untie the ropes around his arms. "Layla?" I heard Riley ask. I looked up to see him looking at me. I smilied. "Riley! Thank goodness! Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah but the vivix and Fury beat us up good." he said. I nodded. Once I got Riley freed, I went to the others.

I untied Tyler then went to Shelby. While I was cutting Shelby's rope, I heard Tyler start to wake up. He looked around till his eyes landed on me. He smilied. "Layla!" he said. I smilied back then continued to untie Shelby. Once I finished, all three were awake. "Are you guys okay? Can you walk?" I asked. They nodded.

Slowly, with the help from me, they got up. We headed outside. It was peaceful until my dinocom went off. Chase.

Chase's POV:

After Layla left, me and Koda were doing pretty good with the vivix. They were dropping like flies. I did a roundhouse kick and took out the vivix around me. Me and Koda teamed up to take out the last vivix. Once we finished them off, we started running towards the warehouse to help Layla.

We almost made it to the door before we were blasted back. We landed on the ground and I started holding my side. I looked up and saw Fury standing there. I got up slowly. "Fury." I said angry. "Looks like I caught two puny rangers." Fury said. "Time to destroy them." he started coming towards us with his sword. I blocked his attack then hit him with my sword.

Me and Koda got some hits but Fury started getting the upper hand. He blasted us and we landed on the ground hard. I groaned while holding my side. I got out my dinocom and called Layla. "Layla we could use some help. Fury decided to join the party." I said into my dinocom.

I heard her say something under her breath and took a deep breath before she said, "I'm on my way." she said. "Now to get rid of that aqua ranger." Fury said. 'Oh no. Layla! I have to buy her some time!' I thought to myself. I got up along with Koda and we started fighting Fury again.

Layla's POV:

"Layla we could use some help. Fury decided to join the party." Chase said through the dinocom. "He's trying to get to me." I said under my breath. I took a deep breath before saying "I'm on my way." I looked over to the others and motioned them to follow me. "Layla. What's going on?" Shelby asked. I haven't told them anything.

"Chase and Koda were fighting vivix when I left. I would've stayed but Chase said that I needed to go. I guess they were coming to me because Fury showed up and now they are fighting." I said. She nodded. We got outside and I had them sit down behind a tree. They were to hurt to fight and I didn't want them getting more hurt.

"Stay here and I will go help Chase and Koda." I said. They nodded and Shelby said, "Be careful." before hugging me. I nodded and left. I got there just in time to see Koda getting blasted back and demorphing and Chase getting blasted into a tree before he also demorphed. "Now to destroy you rangers for good." Fury said.

I got my sword out before saying, "Not if I can help it!" I blocked Fury's attack sending it back to him. He stumbled back. I looked back to Chase and Koda. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. They nodded. "Thanks......again." Chase said. I chuckled lightly before looking back to Fury. He steadied himself before coming back to me.

I got my sword ready and we went into a full on battle. I started off on a good start but then Fury started getting the upper hand. He hit me with an attack that sent me to the ground. I demorphed and started holding my side. Fury started coming closer and said, "Now I will finally get my hands on that power!" 'Power? What power? Is he talking about my energem?' I thought.

I tried to get up but I really had no more energy. He got out hit sword ready to attack me but blasts that came out of nowhere made him stumble back. I looked to where the blast came from and saw all of my friends.

Tyler's POV:

After Layla left us by the tree we started watching the fight between Layla and Fury. "She protected Chase and Koda!" Shelby said. I smilied. 'She is definitely meant to be a power ranger.' I thought. Chase and Koda saw us and sneaked over to us. "A-are y-you ok?" Koda asked us. I nodded while Riley said, "Yeah. What about you two?" Chase nodded and said, "We're fine mate. Just a little scratches."

I went back to watching the fight along with Chase. It was going good but then it went down hill. Layla was getting tired and I knew that we needed to interfere. I looked at Chase and nodded. "Guys! We need to help Layla!" I said.

They looked at the fight and nodded. We got up to morph. "It's Morphin Time! Dino Charger, Ready!" we shouted. "Energize! Unleash The Power!" we shouted as we morphed. We ran over to where the fight was and got out our blasters. Just in time because Layla just demorphed.

We blasted Fury back a little but just enough to give us time to go help Layla. Chase was the first one to go help her. I looked to the others and nodded. We ran over to Layla and stood in front of her protectively. "If you want her, you have to get through us." I said.

Fury laughed and said, "Fine. I will destroy all of you." we all got ready for Fury's attack as Chase took Layla somewhere safe. Fury charged at us and we blocked his attacks. I hit him with my sword and he stumbled back. "I will be back rangers." Fury said before disappearing. We all demorphed and walked back to where Chase and Layla were.

They both looked at us and nobody spoke. "What was Fury talking about?" Layla asked cutting the silence. Me, Shelby and Riley looked at each other before looking back to Layla and Chase. "We don't know." Shelby said hoping that they would buy it.

"We know that's not true. We want the truth." Chase said and Layla nodded in agreement. While this was going on, Koda looked at us in confusion. "We will. Let's just get back to the base." I said. Everyone nodded in agreement and we left for the base. 'Well, this should be fun.' I thought

A/N: The next chapter will be out sometime this week! So stay tuned and if you have any ideas you can message me and I might use it and I will put who gave me the idea.

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