Kendall's Missing Part 1

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A/N: Another chapter! Yes! I'm on a roll! Anyway, it's late so this is a short Author's Note. Hope you enjoy the story!

Layla's POV:

I sent Chase, Jessica, and Riley to go tell the others to come down to the base now. This wasn't something that we could hold off. I knew what Sledge was planning and it needs to be stopped or else the energems will be lost forever. Beth stayed down with me, watching as I was searching for something on the computer.

I needed something that could help us get into Sledge's Spaceship without being noticed. "So, who is this Kendall?" Beth asked. "She's a close friend of ours. Actually, she was the one who found you outside. She helps us with our energems and power ups." I told her while Beth nodded.

"What are you looking for?" Beth asked me. "Kendall's files. She has to have something that could help us." I said. She nodded and moved to one of the computers to help me search. I heard footsteps coming towards us and looked up to see the others. I sighed and walked towards them.

"Layla! What's wrong?" Shelby asked. "Kendall's in trouble. She was captured my Fury last night and they're going to us her to get the energems from us." I explained to them. "How do you know?" Phoebe asked me. "Well, for one." I said, walking towards the computer and pulling up a video. "This is the security camera from yesterday around 11:15 p.m." I said, playing the video.

It showed Kendall getting taken my Fury and Vivix. "And for two?" Tyler asked. "I have a new power which let's me see." I told them. They all nodded except for Phoebe and Annabeth. "What powers?" They both asked. "Long story." We all replied before looking at each other. I shrugged before walking back to the computer. "Okay, so what do we do now?" Phoebe asked.

"First, I want to welcome the newest member of the Dino Charge Rangers, Annabeth Randall. Or the Talon Ranger." I said, introducing Beth. "She's a Ranger?" Jessica asked. I nodded. "Welcome to the team!" Tyler said, smiling at Beth. "Glad to be here." She said, smiling. "Now what?" Riley asked. "Now, we go save Kendall." I said, smiling.

"Hey Layla. Is it normal for the computer to be beeping quietly?" Beth asked from behind me. "Yes-wait. Beeping?" I asked, walking towards her. I looked on the computer and saw that it was showing alien life signs near the woods. "Alien life signs found near the woods." I told them. "How come the alarms didn't go off?" Shelby asked, coming towards me. "I don't know. Wait Beth, what time did that monster come?" "Around 4 o'clock in the morning." She responded.

I looked at Chase. "Two different times, two different monsters. And the alarm didn't go off for either." I told him. "Yeah, the only reason we know of Annabeth was because of you waking me up." Chase said, nodding. I walked over to the computer. "Guys, go without me, I need to figure out why this is happening." I told them.

They all nodded and ran out of the base. I was looking through the settings of the alarm and found out that someone turned it off. "What the." I muttered. I turned the alarm back on before contacting the others. "Guys, the alarm was shut off. I just turned it back on but I don't know how it was turned off. I'm heading your way now." I told them. "Got it Layla." Beth said.

I ran out of the base, grabbing my energem on the way out. I superspeed towards the woods and got there in a matter of minutes. When I got there, I saw Vivix and their ships. I ran towards the others and started fighting with them. "Dino Charger! Ready! Unleash The Power!" I yelled, morphing. I grabbed my sword and striked down the Vivix. Once we finished off all of the Vivix, we all stood together. We looked around for anymore signs of the Vivix, Sledge, or Fury.

But there was nothing. We heard a small explosion from above us and looked up to see Sledge flying towards us with his jet pack. "Surprise!" He yelled, blasting us with something purple. When he did that, it froze us to our spots. "Ugh!" I screamed. "I can't move!" Tyler exclaimed, trying to break free. I tried moving my arms, but it was no use. Sledge landed in front of us and laughed as Fury and his other monsters came behind him.

"I'm starting to see why you Rangers have been so hard to beat. These energems are pretty powerful." Sledge said, holding up his blaster with the Purple energem in it. "The Purple energem." I gasped. "I know how this is going to play out first," Sledge started, walking towards me. "I'm going to take the Aqua energem first." He said, about to reach for my energem.

"No!" Chase yelled. Sledge grabbed my energem and I demorphed, the blast taking effect and me falling to the ground. "Layla!" The others yelled as I groaned in pain. Sledge kicked me in the gut and I yelled in pain. "Now, the Orange energem!" Sledge exclaimed, going towards Jessica. I forced my self to get up and grabbed Chase's sword that he dropped earlier.

I slashed Sledge back and stood in front of Jessica. "Don't touch my sister." I said before Sledge charged at me. I hit him with the sword and kicked him back. I then slashed his blaster, making him be blasted back and the others were freed.

The gasped in relief as they were released. I saw Jessica run somewhere while I took care of Sledge. Fury and the other monsters started coming towards me when I heard a Pterodactyl roar. I looked up to see the zord. I felt an arm go around my waist and saw Chase.

"Hold on Layla." Chase said as they all jumped into the zord with Sledge screaming for us to get back. We all landed in the zord as I fell to my knees in pain. "Layla!" Chase exclaimed. He came to my side and helped me up. "So now what?" Beth asked.

I smirked and said, "We get a new plan." They all nodded and Jessica flew us to the museum. We all got out of the sword before all heading our different ways to home.

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter! Like I said, short Author's Note! Layla lost her energem to Sledge! Oh no! Anyway, stayed tuned for the next chapter! Hope you all liked it!

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