Megaforce Rangers

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A/N: So, here's another chapter! Yay! So these 'unknown' Rangers are going to be revealed! I know it wasn't really a secret on who the Ranger was but, who cares. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone stood outside of the zord, demorphed, looking at Sledge's Spaceship as it fell from the sky. "Layla!" They all screamed. Chase and Jessica were about to run over there but were stopped by five Rangers standing in front of them. "Move! We need to see if Layla is okay!" Jessica yelled at them about to run off, but the Green Ranger caught her by the waist and held her back.

"Your friend is okay, but you won't be if you go there." He told her. "Who are you?" Chase asked them. "Old friends of Layla's. Our Red Ranger wanted to talk to her about something important so we came. Looks like we came at the right time." The Pink Ranger said, looking at Sledge's Spaceship. Her eyes widened as it was almost at the ground and about to crash.

"Get down!" The Yellow Ranger yelled as the Spaceship exploded. Everyone's eyes widened as they hit the ground. "No!" Bella screamed as they got up and saw the Spaceship in flames. By then, everybody started crying except for the unknown Rangers who knew exactly what happened. "Layla!" Jessica yelled, falling to her knees as she sobbed. "Look there." The Blue Ranger said, pointing to a figure walking from the exploded Spaceship.

He was wearing a Red Power Ranger suit and was carrying Layla on his back. "Layla!" Phoebe exclaimed in happiness while everyone smiled. As the Red Power Ranger was walking to the others, he powered down along with the other Rangers. Once he reached them, everyone went to check is Layla was okay. "She'll be fine. But, I suggest you get her to your base." The Red Ranger said. "Come with us." Kendall told them.

"Wait, Ms. Morgan. How can we know if we could trust them?" Riley whispered to Kendall. "I think we should trust then." Annabeth said, looking a the unknown Rangers. Riley looked unsure but nodded anyway. "Okay, follow us to the base." Tyler said as they started running towards the base. When they got to the museum, the other Rangers looked around confused.

"A museum?" The boy in Silver asked. "Yeah, this is where we work and where our base is at." Shelby said, whispering the last part. They nodded before following the others to the back where the T-Rex skeleton head was. Tyler walked up towards the tooth and pulled it back, opening the secret door. "Woah." The six rangers said, looking at the secret door.

"Yeah, that's what we all said the first time we saw it." Riley told them before going down the slide. The Red Ranger gave Layla to Chase as he slid down, holding Layla bridal style. Chase walked towards the cot and laid Layla on it. Kendall immediately went to work and checked Layla for any broken bones she could have gotten through her fights. When she got to her ankle she found it twisted which caused Kendall to frown.

"Bella! Bring me a wrap and ankle cast." Kendall ordered Bella, to which she nodded. Bella ran towards the back and grabbed the supplies that Kendall asked her to before running back to the main part of the base and giving the supplies to Kendall. While Kendall worked on Layla's ankle, the other Rangers talked.

"Okay, time for introductions!" The Pink Ranger exclaimed, clapping her hands. "We're the Megaforce Rangers. I'm Troy, the Red Ranger. That's Emma, the Pink Ranger. Gia, the Yellow Ranger. Noah, the Blue Ranger. Jake, the Green Ranger. And that's Orion, the Silver Ranger." Troy said, pointing at everyone as he introduced them. They all waved or said 'hi'.

"Nice to meet you all. We're the Dino Charge Rangers. I'm Tyler, Red Ranger. That's Shelby, she's the Pink Ranger. Koda, Blue Ranger. Chase, Black Ranger. Riley, Green Ranger. Jessica, Orange Ranger. Bella, Yellow Ranger. Phoebe, Silver Ranger. And that's Annabeth, the Talon Ranger. I believe you already know that Layla's the Aqua Ranger." Tyler said, introducing everyone.

"Now, I believe this is a question we're all thinking, what are you doing here?" Phoebe asked them. "Like we said before, Troy needs to talk to Layla about something important and it's up to her whether she chooses to tell you all or not," Gia told them. They nodded. "Then let's talk." They heard a voice say from behind them, making them all jump.

They all turned around to see Layla standing there with Kendall behind her. "Layla! Your okay." Chase said, walking up to her and hugging her tight. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said, smiling at him before kissing him. The Megaforce Rangers eyes widened at the sight. Gia and Emma looked at each other smiling and giggling.

Jessica came to Layla next and hugged her. She let go and hit Layla in the arm. "Don't ever do that again!" She exclaimed while Layla chuckled. The other Dino Charge Rangers gave Layla hugs before she looked at Troy. "You wanted to talk?" Layla asked him. Troy nodded with a serious look on his face. They walked outside of the base and to the cafe in the museum.

Layla's POV:

As me and Troy walked in the cafe and we sat at a booth, looking at each other in silence. "Troy, you never come see me like this without a call at first. What's up?" I asked him, breaking the silence. "There has been recent attacks of XBorgs at Harwood." He told me.

I nodded in confusion. "Didn't you defeat all of the XBorgs?" I asked him. He nodded. " Yes, that's what we thought. But, these attacks, they're becoming more occurrence and happening more often. But, that's not the weirdest part. Starting a week ago, Vivix have been showing up and attacking with the XBorg." Troy told me.

My eyes widened. "That can't be possible." I whispered. "There's more." Troy continued. "During an attack, there were more then usual so we had a hard time fighting them all off. But then someone helped us out. Layla," Troy paused to lean in and whisper,

"It was a Power Ranger."

A/N: Okay! So, now we know that there's another Power Ranger coming! But, what about the XBorg and Vivix working together? Somethings going on. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Until next time! Bye!

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