Welcome to Harwood

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A/N: Another chapter! Yay! So, if you haven't seen my last A/N which I posted before this then go check it out because it talks about my schedule for this story which starts today! So, let's get on with this chapter!

Layla's POV:

After about two hours of driving, singing loudly, laughing, and talking, we finally made it to Harwood. Troy slowed down in front of us until he came to a stop. 

I kept driving until I was next to his car. Noah rolled down his window so I could talk to Troy. 

"Where are we going?" I asked him. 

He shrugged and replied, "Jessica is the one who said that you two know a place to stay." I smiled and looked at Jessica through the rearview mirror. I nodded. 

"Follow me," I said before driving forward with Tyler's jeep behind me and Troy's car behind him. 

I started driving through the town before taking a right and towards the country part of town. I kept driving until I saw a hill in front of us. I smirked, knowing where we were. 

"Layla, Jessica. Mind telling us where exactly we're going?" Beth asked from the back. 

"Just a little house that our parents own. We came here each summer, which is how we met Troy," Jessica explained as I kept driving. 

"So, we'll be sharing rooms?" Chase asked. I shook my head. 

"We'll all have our own rooms," I told him. 

"How is that possible?" Bella asked. 

"Just- Layla, slow down!" Jessica exclaimed as I went a little too fast. 

I slowed down and mumbled, "Sorry." 

'I wasn't even pushing the gas that hard.' I thought, confused. I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused on driving. 

"Okay," I said, coming to a stop. 

"We're here," I announced, parking the car before getting out. Everyone stepped out of the car and stared at the house in awe.

 Everyone stepped out of the car and stared at the house in awe

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"Layla, Jessica. Are you sure this is where we're supposed it be at?" Shelby asked, walking towards us with everyone else. I nodded. 

"Yeah, every summer. Same house," I said. Everyone nodded numbly while we and Jessica just laughed at them. 

I rolled my eyes before going to the trunk of my car and grabbing the bags. I grabbed both mine and Jessica's before walking towards the little door by the garage. 

I didn't feel like walking all the way up the stairs. I put the bags on the ground and grabbed the key for the house. I unlocked the door and walked in with the bags. 

Everyone followed behind me with some more of the bags. The lights were turned off but luckily, I knew exactly where I was going. 

I found the couch and placed the bags in my hands on them. I turned around but tripped on something and fell on the ground. 

"Layla?" I heard Jessica ask. 

"Turn on the lights!" I exclaimed before the lights turned on. 

"Where are you?" Emma asked. 

"Down here." I groaned, still on the ground. Everyone looked at me on the ground and laughed. Chase put down the bags he was carrying and walked over to me and helped me up. 

"Owie," I muttered. Chase chuckled from beside me. 

"What did you do?" Troy asked, with an amused smile on his face. 

"I tripped on something," I said. 

"On what?" Gia asked. I shrugged before looking on the ground for what I tripped on. It was an old doll with purple hair and blue eyes. I picked it up and Jessica laughed. 

"Hey, it's Ms. Suzie!" She exclaimed. 

"Wow, your creepy doll is still hurting me," I muttered before tossing the doll to Jessica. She caught it and stuck her tongue out at me which I replied to with a snort. Everyone laughed at our sibling fight. 

"Okay, so we'll show you all your rooms then you can all explore the house or something while I sleep cause I was driving while everyone else in the car was shouting out lyrics," I said, causing Chase to nudge me in the shoulder, chuckling again. 

They all nodded and Jessica and I went up stairs, having them follow us. We showed them all their rooms and they went in to unpack while the Megaforce Rangers left to grab some clothes. I walked into my room and laid down on my bed.

I tried to sleep but each time, I felt as if I needed to stay up for some weird reason. Finally, I gave up and reached to grab my laptop from my little desk near my bed. 

I sat up with my laptop on my lap and started to go through my emails. That's when I saw four emails that caught my attention. 

Each one of them was sent from a different person. But, they all had one thing in common. The people who sent them were former Power Rangers. 

I opened the first one but before I was able to read it, my door was slammed open. I looked up and saw Chase standing there. 

"Chase?" I asked. 

"Vivix," He said simply and I was up on my feet following him down the stairs and outside. We got into my car and drove to where everyone else was. 

When I stopped the car near a park, I saw the others fighting Vivix and some other little monsters. 

"What are those?" Chase asked from beside me. 

"They're XBorgs," I told him as we both got out of my car. Chase and I both nodded at each other before standing next to each other. 

"It's Morphin Time!" I yelled. "Dino Charger! Ready! Energize! Unleash The Power!" We both called out, morphing before going to attack the Vivix and XBorgs. 

I pulled out my blaster and blasted five down before roundhouse kicking another one. I saw two XBorgs on each side of me with blasters pointed at me. 

"Really?" I asked, groaning in annoyance. As soon as they shot their blasters, I rolled on the ground and they blasted each other down. 

I smirked in victory before I got back up. I superspeed around everyone, taking down a lot of XBorgs and Vivix. The Megaforce Rangers looked around confused as the others nodded at me. 

I smiled and ran towards them. We all stood in a circle, facing the outside looking for anymore Vivix or XBorgs. 

When we saw none, we all relaxed and demorphed. Bad call. I sensed something as soon as we demorphed and I called out my Ankylo-Sword. 

I looked around and listened for anything weird. I opened my eyes and launched forward, striking a monster that was going to attack us. He stumbled back and looked at me. 

"You hit me! Oh, it hurts! It hurts!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes before striking him again. He laughed and I felt somebody grab my arms and throwing my sword out my hand. 

I looked back and saw two XBorgs holding my arms. I tried getting out of their grip but it was too hard. 

I looked over to the others to see them on the ground just like how it was when my energem was stolen. 

"I got a Ranger!" The monster exclaimed, causing his XBorgs to drag me towards him. I struggled to get out of their grip but no avail. 

That was until they were blasted off of me along with the monster getting blasted back. 

I turned around to see the Gold Dino Charge Ranger.

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