Kendall's Missing Part 2

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A/N: Another chapter! Sorry, I haven't updated but I was sick. And I also had writer's block. So that might be why it sucks! So, without any other ado. To the chapter!

Layla's POV:

I woke up in the morning and got out of bed to take a shower. I then changed into my outfit.

I grabbed my Dino Com and phone and put them in my pockets. I then walked downstairs to see Jessica making breakfast.

"Hey Jessica, what are you doing?" I asked her as she placed the food on the table.

"Nothing, just cooking." She replied, causing me to nod slowly. "Oh, okay. It's just weird, you know. You never cooked before so I just didn't expect it." I told her.

I saw her tense up just enough for me to notice. "Well, I decided to try something new." She responded, slowly relaxing.

"Okay." I said once again. I then heard a beeping noise and saw my Dino Com go off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw Jessica look up from cooking.

It was like she wanted to know who it was on the Dino Com. It wasn't out of the ordinary, it's just that she looked more like panicking on who it was that called me. "I'll be right back, it's Chase." I lied.

Jessica nodded, relaxing once again as I walked out of the kitchen. I walked to the living room and looked at Jessica as she poured orange juice into cups.

I answered the call without looking down at my Dino Com. "Hey, where are you?" I heard Jessica ask.

My eyes widened as I quickly looked down at the Dino Com seeing my sister with a worried looked on her face.

I looked back up to see the other Jessica starting to wash the dishes she used. "What do you mean? Where are you?" I asked her. "You don't remember? I'm at work." She told me.
"Jessica, how are you calling me?" I asked her nervously. "What? Layla, what's that supposed to mean?" She asked me.

"I'm looking a you Jessica, you're in the kitchen washing dishes." I told her. "Layla, that's not me!" She exclaimed. I nodded. "Get here fast with the others."

I whispered to her before smiling and saying, "Bye Chase. I'll see you later. Love you!" I then hanged up the call as I walked back to the kitchen and sat in my chair in front of Jessica.

I was about to take a bite of the food when I remembered something and put my fork down. 'Jessica' looked at me. "What's wrong Layla?" She asked me as I got up slowly from my chair.

"You're not Jessica." I said, walking back a little. "What are you talking about?" She asked, laughing as she also got up. That's when I got a good look at her outfit.

It was a loose long sleeved sweater shirt with a orange skirt and heels. That confirmed my suspicions even more.

"Jessica doesn't wear skirts or heels. She can't fight in them. She doesn't cook and hates cleaning the dishes. And even more importantly, she was supposed to be at the museum at 6:00 o'clock this morning. Which is how I just talked to her." I said before turning around and running towards the door.

I unlocked the door before running outside and towards the museum. I heard footsteps behind me as I ran which meant the impostor was following me.

I saw the others running towards me as I ran. "Layla!" They yelled as I got to them. I was almost there when I was pulled by my arm back.

I screamed as the imposter pushed me on the ground and I landed hard on the ground. The imposter changed from Jessica to me. "What the?" I asked. I got up and kicked the impostor back.

We ended up getting in a fight until the others decided to break it up. I stood on the right side of the others while the imposter stood on their left. They looked at both of us in confusion.

"Well, one of us has to choose which one is the real Layla." Riley said before they all pushed Chase forward. Chase looked at the other Layla for a second before looking at me and smiling. I smiled back.

He walked to me and hugged me. I heard an evil laugh and saw the imposter changing to her monster form. Chase quickly put me behind him, knowing that I didn't have my energem.

"Layla! Hide, we got this!" Tyler said and the others came to stand by Chase. I ran towards the trees near by and leaned against one.

I was still able to watch the fight. I looked to the side and saw that the Vivix came in their small space shuttles.

I smirked as I looked at them before looking back at the fight. I quietly walked from the trees and to the closest shuttle as the Vivix started to come.

As the Vivix got into their shuttles, I pulled one out by the arm before elbowing it in the gut and kicking it back. I then got inside the shuttle as it took off and the doors closed.

I sighed as we flew towards Sledge's Spaceship. I then heard my Dino Com beeping. I pulled it out of my pocket to answer it.

Once I did, I saw a very worried Chase. "Layla! Where are you?" He asked me. "About that, I'm going to Sledge's Spaceship to get my energem and rescue Kendall." I told him.

His eyes widened. "You can't go alone!" He exclaimed. I sighed. "Chase, I'll be fine. I'll call you if I need help." I said, reassuring him. He nodded as he hanged up. I took took a deep breath as the shuttle landed.

I carefully walked out of the shuttle as I looked around. Seeing as the coast was clear, I walked towards where I remembered Kendall was staying by the wall.

I pushed my back more towards the wall as I heard Fury's laughter. He walked past me holding my energem. My eyes widened at the sight of my energem in his hands.

He was almost out of sight when he suddenly stopped and turned around to where he saw me. He growled before grabbing my energem arm and pushing me to the ground.

I groaned in pain as I hit the steel floor. "Aqua Ranger! Aren't you useless without your energem, weakling?" Fury asked me, laughing.

I smirked, "Not useless. Not weak. I might not have my energem powers, but I can still kick your butt!"

A/N: Like I said, I'm sorry if it sucked. I tried my best but the next chapter will be better! Anyway, hope you like the chapter! Bye!

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