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A/N: I'm so, so, so, so, so, so sorry. I haven't updated in so long and you have all been asking me too and I had so much school work! I promise, I didn't abandon this story! Just haven't had time. But, I will try to update more! On other news, the new episodes of Power Rangers Super Dino Charge are coming! Yay! More inspiration! Anyway, this is a short chapter, sorry! But, I promise that the next one I will try to make longer! Until next time!

Layla's POV:

I finished clearing the last table at the restaurant before looking at the time. It was time for my break so I hanged up my apron and grabbed my bag before walking out the restaurant. I walked around the museum before stopping at the Ankylosaurus exhibit. I sat down at a near by bench and took out my sketchbook and pencils from my bag. I opened to a clear page and started to sketch out the Ankylosaurus before coloring it. A little girl sat next to me waiting for her parents. "That's really cool!" She said looking at my sketch. 

"Thanks. The Ankylosaurus is my favorite dinosaur so I draw them a lot." I told her. She smiled wide. "Really? It's my favorite dinosaur too!" She exclaimed. We both started talking about them for a little while before she left. I continued to draw before I heard footsteps. The pairs. 'Chase, Jessica and Bella.' I thought. "Hey guys." I said not looking away from my drawing. 

"Layla, we need to talk." Bella said. I looked up at them and saw the seriousness in their faces. I frowned before closing my sketchbook and putting it back into my bag with my pencils. "Yeah?" I asked giving them my full attention. "So, anything new going on?" Chase asked me. 

I looked at them confused before shaking my head. "What do you mean?" I asked them. "You know, anything that has to do with Amber Beach or New Zealand?" Jessica pressed. My eyes widened. "You guys found out?" I asked them already knowing the question. 

"Yeah, Kendall found the papers hidden in a stack of papers." Chase told me showing me the papers. I nodded remembering that I put it there and forgot to take it out. "Layla, how come you never told us?" Chase asked me, coming to sit on my left. 

"I don't know, I guess because I don't really know my answer and I needed time to think." I told him. "When do you need to decide?" Jessica asked coming to sit on my right. "Friday." I said sighing. She nodded. "Well, we'll support whatever decision you make." Bella said, sitting next to Chase. 

"Hey, we'll always be by your side. No matter what." Chase told me. "Thanks guys." I said. Chase wrapped us all in a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and slowly dozed off. 'Today definitely has been tiring.' I thought before dozing off into deep sleep.

Chase's POV:

I heard little snores from next to me. I looked to my side and saw Layla asleep on my shoulder. I smiled. "Guys, Layla fell asleep. Let's take her home." I told my sister and Jessica. They nodded and we got up, me picking up Layla bridal style. We started walking towards Layla and Jessica's house. Once we made it there, Jessica unlocked the door and we walked in. I waked towards Layla's room and laid her in her bed, covering her. 

She snuggled in her blankets and I chuckled. I quietly walked out of her room and closed the door. I walked downstairs and saw the girls talking in the living room. I sat down on the couch next to Jessica. "So, what are you two talking about?" I asked them. "Layla and what will happen when she chooses what she's going to do." Jessica said sighing. 

I nodded. "What will happen with her being a Power Ranger if she leaves. We can't just give the Aqua Energem to another person, it won't be the same. And we don't know who we can trust to be a Power Ranger except her." Bella said. "Well, here's the bright side. Maybe Kendall will let her stay being a Power Ranger?" Jessica asked. 

"Guys, I don't know. But, all I do know is that whatever she chooses, we will all back her up completely, right?" I asked them. They both nodded and we stayed in silence for awhile, just thinking about what would happen. It was too quiet so I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. They snapped out of their thoughts and we started to watch TV. Soon enough, we all fell asleep on the couches. Me on one, Jessica on one, and Bella on the other.

A/N: Hey! So I have a quick question for you all! Should I start going off the show again or should I go off what I've been planning? So, if I go off with what I was planning then I need to start now because I will need new OC's for new rangers that I've been thinking about and I need to figure out which past rangers to bring because my idea has to do with a big battle! Anyway, tell me what you think in the comments below! Also, if you choose my own idea then I will announce the name of all of the rangers including the purple ranger in a A/N. Until next time. Bye!

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