First Date, War and Sleepover?

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A/N: So this chapter is going to lead to something big! Except, this big thing with probably be the sequel so it won't happen for awhile. Anyway, something else is going to happen at the end! But, you will just have to wait and see so on to the story!

Layla's POV:

We were working in the Museum Cafe when me and Chase finally got our break. Since our hours were pretty much the same time, we have the same lunch breaks. We walked out of the museum with our skateboards in our hands. "So, where do you wanna go?" I asked. We had an hour and a half break today since we fought a monster earlier and it took a lot out of us. "How about we go to that new Pinballz Arcade and consider it our date?" Chase asked raising an eyebrow.

I chuckled before asking, "Is the famous Chase Randall asking me on a date?" He laughed a little before responding, "I think I am." I nodded and smiled. "Then I would love to!" I told him as he had a huge smile on his face. He put down his skateboard and said, "Then let's go!" And started skating away. "Hey!" I yelled out before also skating on my skateboard behind him. Soon enough, I got the lead and made it there before Chase. We went in and got a table and ate some pizza before going to play some games. We played regular games first then went on to playing some pinball games. I sucked at them but Chase mastered them in a few minutes.

Halfway through our break, I got a call on my DinoCom. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked. "We need you and Chase in the Plaza now!" Riley said. "Okay, be there in a few." I told him before putting the DInoCom away. "Chase!" I called as he looked at me from playing a game. I nodded my head towards the door and he understood. He grabbed his jacket and we ran towards the Plaza which, lucky for us, was a few blocks away. From up ahead, we saw five monsters fighting the others. Me and Chase looked at each other and nodded. We ran faster, me not using my super speed, and called out "Energize!" We were immediately morphed and ready for battle.

We jumped in front of a monster that was going to blast the others from the back and hit him with our sword. He stumbled back and looked at us. "Hey! Who are you two?" He asked. I just shrugged and got out my blaster and sword while Chase did the same thing. "Hey Layla, trade ya." He said holding out his sword. I shrugged and threw him my blaster and caught is sword. We both charged at different monsters. I charged at a weird lizard looking one. I took him by surprise and he fell down. "Hey! That's no fair!" He exclaimed to me while I just rolled my eyes and charged again. He got out his sword and we fought. He swung his sword at me but I just blocked it with one, pushed it up, turned and slashed him with my other one.

He stumbled back again and held the spot where I hit. 'A weak spot?' I thought before attacking again. I hit him in the same spot on his side and he fell back immediately. 'I guess it is. Now I know his weakness.' I thought. I was about to attack again but he transported somewhere else. I then felt a huge pain on my back and I fell on my knees.

I got up and turned around to see that he was there and struck me with his sword. 'He can transport?' I thought but my thoughts were soon answered when he transported again. I turned around and looked but saw nothing. "Look beside you." I heard him say. I looked to my right and saw him there with a blaster. My eyes widened a little and he shot his blaster three times. I blocked one with one sword and the other with my other sword but the last one got me in my stomach.

I was blasted back and hit a tree. I fell on my stomach and groaned. "And she's done!" He yelled. I raised my hand with my sword in it and stuck it in the ground. I used it to help me get up. "Not yet." I said as I picked up Chase's sword and grabbed my sword. He looked shocked. "You are supposed to be down for the count!" He exclaimed but all I did was smirk under my helmet. I charged again and slashed him with both swords. He stumbled back and bumped into the other four monsters. "We'll be back. This isn't over! There will be a war, and you rangers will never win!" Another monster yelled before the left. We all demorphed and looked at each other worried.

"Let's get to the base!" Tyler said as we all nodded. I stayed in the back and started thinking. 'There will be a war? What does that mean? Is this another one of Sledge's plans? And if it is a war, we won't be able to do it on our own.' I thought. "Hey, you okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw Chase looking at me worried. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, just thinking." I said and he nodded. We finally made it to the base and slide down the slide. While the others went to talk to Kendall, me and Chase went to talk to Keeper.

"Keeper, why were there five monsters this time?" Chase asked. "And why did they say there was going to be a war?" I added. Keeper looked at us and said, "I believe that Sledge has a new plan forming. He plans to attack us and create a war that I don't think that even with your powers, you will ever win. This battle is just the start of something big." Keeper told us and me and Chase looked at each other worried.

I nodded and we walked away. Jessica came up to me and Chase with my phone in her hand. 'Mom.' She mouthed to me. I nodded and grabbed the phone from her. "Hey mom." I said. "Layla! Good, we couldn't reach you." She said giving a sigh of relief. I chuckled. "Yeah sorry about that. I, busy?" I questioned. "Either way, me and your father have been talking and we think that it's time that you start thinking about college." She said and my eyes widened. I knew that I had to go to college but I couldn't because of me being a Power Ranger. "Oh, yeah mom. About that. You see, my job is really important and I don't think that I can just leave it mom." I told her. I know my mom was a Power Ranger but I just don't know when to tell her that I'm one.

"Layla Nicole McKnight. You are going to college and that's the last line. I have to go. Bye sweetheart, love you!" She said. "Love you too mom and I will get on the college thing right away!" I said before hanging up. I groaned and put my hand through my hair. "What she say?" Jessica asked walking towards me. "Wants me to start thinking about college and what, where, when, how much? All that stuff." I told her before groaning again. "Oh boy. But, how are you supposed to do that when your a Power Ranger?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know but it's early still so I might as well start with my applications." I told her as I walked towards my bag and pulled out my laptop. She nodded and sat by me and helped me choose which colleges to send an application to. We were looking for colleges with good rates, good prices and an music and arts program. And hopefully close to home. We picked four colleges in total. 'Amber Beach Community College', 'Reefside Arts College', 'Angel Grove Performing Arts College', and 'New Zealand College of Performing Arts'.

I sent all of my applications and put up my laptop. Apparently, they were going to send me an email or letter. I didn't know. While Chase and Riley went to close up, Bella came over to us with Shelby and they both whispered-yelled, "Sleepover!" I looked up at them and smiled. "Yeah, where?" They both pointed to us and said, "Your house." I looked at Jessica and she nodded. I nodded and looked towards Kendall who was on her computer.

"Hey guys, should we invite Kendall?" They looked over at her and nodded. I got up and went to Kendall. "Hey Kendall! So me and other other girls were going to have a sleepover at my house and we wanted to know if you wanted to come?" I asked her and she looked at me, showing a small smile. She nodded and said, "Sure." I smiled and said, "Great! Well, it's at my place and you can meet us there. Here." I said giving her the address she nodded and I walked over to the other girls. I nodded and they smiled. Chase and Riley came back from closing up and I walked towards Chase and pulled him away to talk to him.

"I had a fun first date." I told him smiling. He smiled and said, "Me too. We should do it again." He said and I nodded. "A second date?" I asked. "Yeah, speaking of which. Layla, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked and I nodded. We both smiled and I walked to Jessica. Me and Jessica went to go get some snacks, movies and snacks for the sleepover and waited for the girls to come. 'Well this is going to be fun.' I thought before the door bell rang.

A/N: Chase and Layla are finally a couple! Yay! Except, nobody knows...yet! Anyway, what do you think will happen with the whole 'War' situation? And when do you think Jessica will tell everybody about her powers? Anyway, hope you liked this chapter! Till, next time! Bye!

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