The Rescue

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A/N: Part two is up! Okay, so now all is left is the Valentine's Day Special! I'm already working on it! So, until then. Enjoy this chapter! Short A/N, I know.

Chase's POV:

After Fury ended the call, he came back to us and untied us. Me and Layla both got up and ran to the door. But, Fury made it before us. He kicked me back and took out his sword. He then grabbed Layla and stabbed her in the stomach. 

She gasped and fell to the ground as Fury left. "Layla!" I exclaimed and ran towards her. I knelled next to her and put her head in my lap. I took off my jacket and put it on Layla's wound, stopping the blood. I also teared part of my shirt and put it on her arm. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "They will be here soon Layla. Just hand on. Please hurry guys." I said.

Jessica's POV:

Me, Shelby, and Bella were running towards the base. I told them about what happened and now we were on our way to tell the others. Suddenly, me and the girls just stopped. "You guys fell that too, right?" I asked them and they both nodded. 

"Something bad just happened." Bella said, worried. "We need to hurry!" I exclaimed. They nodded and ran faster. We went down the slide and ran towards the others. "You guys felt that too, right?" Riley asked. We all nodded. 

"Guys, I know where they're at. And if our feeling is right, then we need to hurry." I told them and they all nodded. "We need to save them." Koda said and we nodded. "Alright, so what's the plan?" Riley asked.

(*Time-Skip to them running towards the forest*)

We were at the beginning of the forest, morphed. Just like Fury told us to. The plan was to have Tyler, Shelby, and Koda hold back Fury and distract him while me, Bella, and Riley go and grab Chase and Layla. "Alright Fury! We're here!" Tyler yelled. Fury appeared, walking through the forest to us. "Rangers! Where are the energems?" He asked us. 

"That's the thing Fury." Shelby started. "Your not getting them!" Riley finished. Tyler, Shelby, and Koda attacked Fury while the rest of us ran to the warehouse. With me leading. We saw the warehouse that I saw in my vision, surrounded by Vivix. We took out our blasters and started to blast them. We took down most of them but more kept coming. 

All three of us started fighting all the Vivix. I blasted on back before backfliping and blasting a whole group of them. "Jessica! Go find them! We got it!" Bella yelled at me. "Okay! Be careful!" I yelled back before running in the building to find my sister and Chase.

Chase's POV:

Layla's bleeding stopped a little while ago and she was still somewhat conscious, but she still wasn't looking well. She need immediate help and right now, she couldn't get it. "Chase." I heard her say weakly. I looked down and saw her looking at me. I smiled and said, "Hey, don't worry. It'll be okay." She smiled weakly before frowning. "I'm-I'm sleepy." She said. 

"No! Come on Layla, you have to stay awake." I told her. She nodded weakly as she tried to stay awake. 'She has to stay awake.' I thought. "Okay, Layla. When we get out of here, how about we go to that Valentine's Day party together? Huh? That'll be fun." I asked her. "Yeah, it will." She said, her voice just above a whisper. "Then we can go on a real date." I said, smiling to myself, thinking about places to go. "Maybe to that new restaurant. You know, the one you keep wanting to go to." I told her. "You would actually take me there?" She asked. 

I nodded before saying, "Yeah, I would." She smiled weakly at me. I then heard footsteps. Thinking it was Fury, I held Layla closer to me. But when the door was blasted open, I knew it was one of the others. Jessica came running in and saw me holding Layla. "Layla! Chase!" She exclaimed, running towards us. "Is she okay?" Jessica asked once she got towards us. "I don't know, but when need to get her out of here quick." I told her. 

She nodded and I got up, holding Layla bridal style. We were about to walk out the door when blasts were shot at us. I turned around and shielded Layla was my back. When I looked behind me, I saw Fury. "Fury!" I said with gritted teeth. "I got him Chase. Take Layla out of here. Kendall should be right outside the forest. She'll take you two to the hospital." Jessica told me. I nodded before turning around and running. I ran out the warehouse and through the forest. 

"Hang in there Layla." I said as I neared the end of the forest. I saw Kendall's Jeep there with her standing outside of it. "Kendall!" I yelled and she looked at me. She saw Layla in my arms and her eyes widened. "What happened?" She asked me. "I'll explain later but right now, we need to take her to the hospital." I told her. She nodded and we got into her Jeep.

 We started heading towards the hospital with me telling her the story. We finally made it to the hospital and I jumped out of the Jeep, running through the doors. "Help! My friend needs help!" I yelled. One of the nurses brought over a gurney and took Layla. Kendall walked in and we both sat on the waiting chairs.

Layla's POV:

I woke up with my head hurting. I saw a white ceiling then I realized that I was in a hospital. I tried to get up but my stomach and arm were hurting. I looked down and remembered what happened. I remember Jessica coming in and Chase carrying me. 'Chase, Jessica, the others.' I thought. I looked around the hospital room to see that it was empty. Just then, a nurse walked into the room and smiled brightly when she saw that I was awake. 

"Good. Your awake." She said before coming over to check on me. "How long was I out?" I asked her. "Just over night. Your friends have been waiting in the waiting room since you were brought in." She told me. I  smiled knowing that they would do that. "I could call them in for you." She told me. "That would be great. Thank you." I said. She nodded before going to call the others. Soon enough, they walked in the door. "Layla!" Jessica exclaimed as she came to hug me.

 She gave me a soft hug, knowing that I was still hurt. "I was so worried." She told me. "Hey, I'm okay now." I told her and she nodded. Next, Chase came to hug me. "Never do that again. We we're all so scared." He whispered to me. I nodded, smiling. The rest came up to hug me. They then sat down and started talking to me until the doctor came in. 

"Your free to go Layla." He told me and I nodded, saying thanks. Kendall gave me a bag that had some clean clothes in it for me to wear. I thanked her before going to the restroom and changing. Once I got out, Kendall checked me out and we all walked to the base. 

Correction, Tyler, Chase, Koda, and Riley walked while Kendall took her Jeep and me and the girls we're getting piggy back rides. Me on Chase, Shelby on Tyler, Jessica on Riley and Bella on Koda. They we're having a race to see who would get to the base faster. Chase won with the Koda coming in second. I laughed as we walked into the base to talk before going home.

A/N: Okay, so like I said before. All that's left is the Valentine's Day special. I'm working on it and it's almost done. I decided that it would focus more on Layla and Chase's relationship and even on Layla's decision which I think might lead to the next chapter. Also, if you haven't checked out my last A/N Chapter then check it out because it has something that you might want to see. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Until tomorrow, bye! 

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