Girl's Are Gone? Part 1

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A/N: Hey everyone! So just some side noted before this chapter starts. First of, this is Part 1. Another part will be up soon, I hope.Also, this chapter will be in the guy's point of view in the more then in the girl's point of view.

Tyler's POV:

Me, the guys and girls were hanging out in the base just talking about random things. "Okay, so I'm thirsty. I'm going to get something to drink. Anybody want anything?" I asked them getting up. Everyone started saying drinks they wanted. "I'll help ya mate!" Chase said getting.

"Yeah, we'll help too." Riley said also getting up with Koda. I nodded and we left the base to get drinks. We walked into the museum restaurant and grabbed the sodas. When we were about to walk towards the base, we heard an evil laugh from behind us.

We dropped the drinks and turned around in a fighting position. "Wait a minute rangers. I just want to talk." Fury said to us. "About what?" Riley asked Fury still in his stance. "About the girl rangers." Fury said. "What about them?" I asked.

"Let's face it. They are the week ones of your pathetic group." Fury spit out. "Is t-that true?" Koda asked. "Of course not mate, and why would you care?" Chase asked Fury. "Because, with them I don't think that you would have a fair fight against us, especially me." Fury responded. We all looked at each other and shook our heads. I turned back to Fury, "Your wrong Fury!" I yelled at him.

He laughed evilly, "Never say I didn't warn you rangers. Why don't you just watch them in battle? Vivix attack!" Fury commanded before disappearing with Viviz taking his place and another monster. I got my Dinocom out and called for the Shelby. "Hey, we got trouble." I told her. She nodded and said that they would be here soon. Me, Chase, Riley and Koda started fighting the Vivix, until we were outnumbered. We were cornered and they were about to attack again until something fast came by and took them all down. "What w-was that?" Koda asked. "Me." A familiar voice said.

We turned around to see Layla, morphed holding her sword. "Couldn't come at a better time, mate!" Chase said walking towards Layla and putting his arm over her shoulder. You could practically see her rolling her eyes as she took Chase's arm off of her shoulder. "Guys!" I heard Shelby yell from behind me. I turned around and saw Shelby, Jessica and Bella running towards us. We all stood in a line except for Layla who went to go take care of some more Vivix.

"It's Morphin Time! Dino Charger! Ready!" I yelled out. "Ready!" The others replied. "Energize! Unleash the Power!" We yelled as we morphed. We then ran to help out Layla with fighting the monsters.

Layla's POV:

While the others morph, I went to fight some Vivix and take out as many as I could. Soon Vivix started surrounding me and I took out my sword. "Ankylosaurus Super Slash!" I said as I took slashed all of the Vivix surrounding me.

I then turned around and saw Jessica about to get blasted from behind her by Vivix. I took out my blaster and aimed it towards the Vivix who were about a good five feet away. I blasted and took them down.

Jessica looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. Hey, Chase isn't the only Hot Shot around here. I then ran towards Shelby to help her out. I round-housed kicked one and punched another. I flipped over one and kicked it into three other ones that Shelby was having trouble with because they were teaming up on her.

She looked at me and said, "Thanks." I nodded as a way saying 'Your Welcome'. I then flipped over another and kicked it back into a tree.

Shelby's POV:

As Layla left, I kept fighting the Vivix around me. 'Why are there so many Vivix?' I thought to myself. I kicked one on my left and punched the one on my right. "Hello Pink Ranger." A weird voice said from behind me. I turned around to see the monster. "Who are you?" I asked while getting in a fighting stance.

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