Girl's Are Gone? Part 2

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A/N: Here is Part 2! Okay, so I don't now if there will be a Part 3. That will be figured out when I finish this chapter so you will have to read the ending Author's Note. Anyway, please enjoy! Also, Layla's outfit now is in the picture.

Chase's POV:

Me, Tyler, Riley and Koda ran as fast as we could back to the base. I don't know why but, I just feel like after that gold light shined, I just felt like something was off. When we got to the base, Tyler and Riley went to talk to Kendall, Koda went to his cave and I looked around the base. 'Something isn't right here.' I thought to myself. I looked towards the Energem holder and saw that four of the Energems were missing. My eyes widened. 'Pink, Yellow, Orange and...Aqua. Wait a minute...if the Energems are missing, then that means that...oh no!' I thought to myself as I turned around to the cots. The girls weren't there.

I turned towards Tyler, Riley and Kendall. "Guys!" I exclaimed to them. All three turned towards me. "What is it Chase? We have no time for games. We have to figure out what that light was." Riley told me. "I think we have bigger problems. Look and look." I said pointing to the empty cots and the Energem holder. Their eyes widened. "Kendall, where are the girls?" Riley asked her. "Ms. Morgan and what girls?" She asked. "Ms. Morgan. What do you mean what girls? The other rangers?" Tyler asked. "Shelby, Layla, Jessica and Bella?" I asked hoping she will answer. She shook her head. "Guys, there has only been four rangers. You three and Koda. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Except about Bella. She works here as my assistant but even so, she doesn't know about that Power Rangers." She told us before walking out the base.

'My sister works as Kendall's assistant?' I thought confused. "C'mon, we need to figure out what happened to the girls." I said as we ran out of the base, getting Koda first. We walked around the museum looking for one of the girls. I saw a girl with light brown hair in a bun holding a clipboard and went to ask her. She looked like she worked here so I walked up to her to ask her if she has seen the girls. I tapped her shoulder and said, "Excuse me miss but have you-Bella?" I asked shocked as she turned around. She looked so different, she had her hair in a bun and was wearing glasses. She was also wearing an yellow button shirt with a white blazer and some jeans and flats.

"Oh, hey Chase! Sorry in a little rush but what do you need?" She asked looking at her clipboard then looking back at me smiling. "Oh! Um, do you know where the girls are?" I asked her. She looked at me confused. "What girls?" She asked. "You know, Layla, Jessica and Shelby?" I asked. She shook her head. "Sorry Chase but I don't think I know them. Well, you can say I know Layla, she's probably around here messing with people and vandalizing stuff. Anyway, have to go. Bye Chase!" Bella said before walking off. 'Layla? Vandalizing things and messing with people? That isn't my Layla. Wait, mine?' I thought.

I shook my head and caught up with the guys. "Yeah, so I found my sister. She is definitely Kendall's assistant. I also got some information on Layla." I told them. "What about Layla?" Koda asked. "Well, apparently she messes with people and vandalizes stuff." I told them shaking my head. Tyler and Riley looked at me shocked. "Layla, the Layla that we all know? That Layla?" Tyler asked as I nodded. "Hey guys! Look, who's that?" Riley asked pointing at a girl who was pushing people out of her way, walking towards the exit. She has dark brown hair and was wearing a leather jacket and skirt with black heels and a floral top.

"I don't know but we're about to find out." Tyler said as he walked towards the girl with us behind him. "Hey! Girl." Tyler tried calling her but it was like she was ignoring him. 'She looks so familiar. Except for the dark brown hair. Her hair isn't that color, unless.' I thought to myself. Then it hit me. "Layla!" I called out. She stopped in her tracks and turned around. It was in fact Layla. She walked to us and I have to admit, she was really scary. "Who are you four and how do you know my name?" She asked crossing her arms.

"You don't remember us?" Riley asked. She raised an eyebrow before replying, "No. Am I supposed to? You look familiar though...and cute." She said pointing to me. "Hey, where's your sister?" Riley asked again. "Anyway, I really don't care where she's at. She is probably with her other friend. What's her name...Shelwery? I don't know. Just look for pink and you will find them." She told us before walking away. "That not Layla." Koda said pointing at her. I nodded, still in shock that she called me cute.

'Is that what Layla thinks, or what this Layla thinks?' I thought to myself before snapping out of it seeing someone stopping Layla outside. "Hey." I said pointing outside. We walked out there and saw someone with black hair wearing a skirt with heels and a top and jacket. As we got a closer look, the girl was Jessica! While they were talking, another girl came and started talking to them. The girl was wearing a pink blazer with a plain shit and striped leggings, she was also wearing heels. It was, "Shelby?" Tyler asked. "We need to figure out what's wrong." I told them and they nodded before we left for the base.

3rd Person's POV:

Tyler, Riley, Chase and Koda ran back to the base to figure out the problem.

"Okay, so your saying that you made a wish that the girls, who were Power Rangers before, never found the Energems and now it's true? And the monster's name was Wishtaker. Even though this doesn't make since at all, I did some research and it turns out that WIshtaker made the wish using the power from all of the wishes he took. You can reverse it by breaking the gem on his stomach and wishing the girls were Power Rangers again." Kendall told them reading off her computer.

"So now we need to wait for the monster to come back." Riley said. Just then the alarm went off signaling alien bio signs. "I don't think we have to wait that long." Chase said. Kendall checked the alarm and looked towards them saying, "Alien bio signs detected downtown." They all nodded and left all with the same thought. 'We need to get the girls back.'

A/N: So, there is going to be a Part 3. I just didn't feel like writing anymore to this chapter mostly because my head is hurting and the computer light isn't making it better but I might just start writing the third part right now. So until I post Part 3, hope you enjoyed it! Also, Happy Early Thanksgiving!

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