Unpleasant Jog

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A/N: I'm so, so sorry that I haven't updated in so long! I was having writer's block and my life has been crazy lately. Like next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, I have STAAR tests! I'm so scared for that! But, lucky for me, we had today off from school so I was able to update! Yay! Anyway, this story is for Infinity_BellaKnight who won the contest for the newest Power Rangers! I decided to make hers first, I will try to make the other ones soon but I might put some other chapters before each Ranger. Anyway, hope you like the story! Enjoy!

Layla's POV:

I was taking a jog through the woods. Something I haven't done in a long time because of everything that has been going on with being a Power Ranger. I went through a path between trees and such. I always came here because there was a beautiful stream up ahead. I slowed down and started to walk towards the stream and squat down next to it. 

I was enjoying the peacefulness and relaxation before I heard something that sounded like fighting near me. I got up and went to investigate. When I got to the source of the sound, I found something that I didn't really expect. 

It was a girl fighting Fury! I was about to interfere when I saw something glowing in her pocket. It was an energem! "Woah." I muttered before bending down behind a bush and watching what would happen. 

'This must be how the others felt when I found my energem.' I thought before putting my attention back to the girl and Fury. So far the girl was doing fine, but it never ended like that. She was slowly losing to Fury and I knew that something would have to be done soon. She tripped over a rock and fell down backwards. Fury took this as a chance to attack. 

He picked up his blaster and aimed it at the girl, who was on the ground frozen in fear. My eyes widened as I quickly got to my feet and grabbed my Dino Charger, holding it in my hand. I ran and jumped in front of the girl before Fury blasted his attack. "Ankylo-Sword!"  I called out as my sword appeared in my hand. I blocked the attack and slashed Fury back. 

"Aqua Ranger! So we meet again." Fury exclaimed, before laughing. I turned around to the girl before saying, "Hide." She nodded, getting up and running to hid behind some bushes and boulders. "Okay, It's Morphin Time! Dino Charger! Ready! Energize! Unleash The Power!" I yelled before morphing. 

I grabbed my sword and charged at Fury, we started to fight. I so far was winning, but knowing Fury, he was going to do something. He shot his blaster at me and I was shot back, hitting a tree hard. I demorphed as my vision started to fade and I started to lose consciousness fast. But before I could pass out, I saw Vivix grabbing the girl. "No." I whispered. I saw Fury walking towards me and heard him laugh before I passed out.

Chase's POV:

Me and Jessica walked into the base worried. "Hey, have you guys seen Layla?" I asked them. The others shook there heads. "No, why?" Kendall asked me. "Because, she took a jog this morning and she never came back!" Jessica exclaimed. 

Everyone exchanged worried glances. "Kendall, can you try to track her energem?"Shelby asked. Kendall nodded before walking to her computer, us following closely. We all stood in a circle around the computer, waiting to see if anything came up. 

"I have good news and bad news." Kendall told us after awhile on her computer. "Bad news?" Riley asked. "Something is blocking me from tracking Layla's exact location. So, I can't figure out where she is at this moment." Kendall explained. I nodded. 

"Good news?" Koda asked, happily. "I found out where her last location was. Maybe you could find out any clues left that could lead to finding her." Kendall suggested. We all nodded at each other. "Okay, let's head out." Tyler said. We all ran out the base, grabbing our energems on the way out. 'Please be okay Layla.'

Layla's POV:

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind my back on the pole I was leaning on. I looked around to see that I was in a room in a warehouse of some sort. I groaned before I tried to pull my hands out of the ropes but nothing worked. 

"It's no use, trust me. I already tried." I heard a voice say. I looked next to me to see the girl I saw in the woods. "I guess so." I muttered, feeling the rope burn my wrists. I finally actually looked at the girl. She had Black to Purple ombre hair. "What's your name?" I asked her. 

"Phoebe, Phoebe Rose Justice." She introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, I'm Layla McKnight." I said and she smiled. "So, do you know who that cat monster things is?" She asked me. I sighed before nodding. "Sadly, yes. That's Fury." I told her while she nodded. "And you fight him?" She asked. 

"Yes, well not just me. I fight along with my friends but today I just happen to be alone. We all work together to get rid of Fury, we are the Power Rangers." I said. I looked over to Phoebe for her reaction and saw that she was shocked. "Really? Isn't that supposed to be a secret? W-Why are you telling me this?" She asked me. "Because, you know that rock you have in your pocket?" I asked her. 

She nodded slowly. "Well, it isn't a rock. It's called an energem. We use it to give us power to morph and become the Power Rangers." I told her. Her eyes widened in shock. Before she had the chance to respond, Fury walked in. I watched as he walked inside the room carefully, messing with the ropes around my hands. "Good, your both awake." He said, walking towards me. 

"Fury." I spat. "Great to see you again Aqua Ranger." Fury said sarcastically. I smiled. "Likewise." I said before rolling my eyes. 'I have to get this things off my hands.' I thought. Fury pulled out a sword and pointed it at me. "Do it." I challenged him.

I heard Phoebe gasp from beside me as Fury growled and lifted his sword, getting ready to bring it down. Right when it was about to hit me, I used the pole to give me a boost and kicked my legs up, catching the sword with my feet. 

I then untied the rest of the rope and pulled down the sword with Fury. I quickly ran towards Phoebe and untied her ropes. "Phoebe, I want you to listen closely. I want you to go to Amber Beach Museum and go to the Dino Bite Cafe. There, find a guy named Chase and tell him that I'm in trouble. Then show him the energem. He'll take care of everything from there." I whispered to her as I finished with her ropes. 

"What about you?" She asked me. I smiled at her reassuringly, "Oh, I'll be fine. You have to go. Now!" I exclaimed. She nodded as I stood in front of her. "It's Morphin Time! Dino Charger! Ready! Energize! Unleash The Power!" I yelled, morphing.  

 "Ankylo-Sword!" I called before charging at the standing Fury. I saw Phoebe run out of the room and smiled a little. 'Good, she's safe now. Hopefully the others will be able to find me now.' I thought before kicking Fury back. I was about to charge again when I suddenly demorphed. 'What's going on?' I thought, looking at my hands. 

I pulled out my energem and saw that the light within it was faded. I heard Fury laugh as I looked up. "Like my new weapon?" He asked me. "What did you do?" I hissed at him. "Oh nothing, it's just something new that will take away your power when you step inside the building, leaving you defenseless." He told me before I felt my hands getting taken from behind my back. 

I looked to see Vivix holding my hands. I tried to remove my hands from their grip but it was no use. "Say goodnight Aqua Ranger." Fury said before hitting me with his sword. That was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

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