The Kidnapping

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A/N: I'm back! With a new chapter, duh! So yeah, thanks for you all that have stayed by me for everything even when I haven't updated. And to thank you all, I'm doing a three-part. So I will try to post it all once. But then, the third part will be a Valentine's Day special so I'm posting it tomorrow. Until then, I present to you. The chapter.

Layla's POV:

I was sitting at a table with Jessica, Bella, Shelby, Tyler, and Riley. We were looking at a flyer that Kendall gave me to show the others earlier. It was about some Valentine's Day party that we were having here. "So, we are having a Valentine's Day party here?" I asked the others as I looked at the flyer that was on the table.

"Apparently. Maybe Kendall wants to celebrate Valentine's Day and what other way then to have a party?" Jessica asked and I chuckled. "I don't think that I will go." I said. "What? C'mon Layla! It'll be fun!" Shelby said. I shrugged before saying, "I don't know. It's in three days so until then, I'll think about it and then I'll let you guys know later. But, right now I have to get back to work." They all nodded and kept talking while I walked to the kitchen to take out the trash.

'I wonder where Chase is. I haven't seen him all morning' I thought as I entered the kitchen. I walked to the trash can then grabbed the trash before heading out into the back. I threw the trash into the big garbage can and was about to head back inside before I heard a voice. "Well, if it isn't Miss. Aqua Ranger." I turned around quickly and saw Fury with Vivix walking towards me.

"Fury! What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I just came to give you my Valentine's Day present." He said before telling his Vivix to attack. I fought as many as I could but there was just too much for me to handle. One caught me off guard and kicked me in the stomach making me fall on the ground. I felt something hit my arm and I looked down to see a dart. "Goodnight Aqua Ranger." I heard Fury said before I fell into darkness.

Chase's POV:

I was tied up to a chair in an abandoned warehouse somewhere in the forest. Fury kidnapped me this morning on my way to the museum for my shift. He shot me with a dart and I blacked out. Only waking up a few minutes ago to see me here.

Luckily, Fury wasn't here right now so I had some time to try to get myself free but so far, no luck. I heard footsteps coming towards the room I was in so I stopped moving. I looked towards the door to see Fury walking in. "Black Ranger. You're finally awake." Fury said. "Let me go Fury!" I yelled but he just laughed. "I can't do that.But, I do have a surprise for you." He told me before laughing once again.

Just then, Vivix came into the room carrying someone. As they brought the person closer, I saw that it was Layla. "Fury! Let her go!" I yelled as the tied her up to the chair next to me. But, Fury didn't reply as he walked out the room with the Vivix following close behind him. They closed the door and I tried once again to get free but still, nothing. "Layla. C'mon, wake up Layla." I said to her. She started to shift a little as her eyes fluttered open.

She looked around before her eyes landed on me. "Chase?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Where are we?" She asked. "To be honest. I have no idea. I think we're in a warehouse in the forest." I told her and she nodded. I heard footsteps once again and saw Fury enter the room, but this time, with Layla's dinocom. "Let's give your friends a call." He said before calling the others.

Jessica's POV:

We were in the base talking to Kendall because Chase hasn't shown up for work and Layla went to go throw away the trash and she never came back. I was starting to get worried. I mean she is my sister, what if something bad happened to her? 'She's okay Jessica. She's strong.' I thought trying to calm myself. "Hey. I'm getting a call from Layla." Kendall said looking at her computer. "Answer it." Tyler said.

Kendall nodded and clicked answer before showing it on the big screen. Fury immediately showed up on screen. "Hello Rangers." He said. "Fury! How did you get Layla's dincom?"I asked him. "I grabbed it when I found your little Aqua and Black Rangers." He said before moving, showing us Layla and Chase tied up to chairs. I gasped and covered my mouth and so did Bella. "Let them go Fury." Riley said. "Sorry, I can't do that Rangers. You see, this is my way to prove to Sledge." He said as he started to walk towards Layla.

He pulled out a sword and cut Layla's arm with it. I saw her bite her lip trying not to scream but you could see the pain written on her face. Chase started to move in his chair trying to get free to help Layla. "Leave her alone!" Chase yelled. Tears started to fall from my face and Bella side hugged me, tears falling down her face too. "You got twenty-four hours Rangers to bring me the energems Rangers at the entrance of the forest, or else." Fury said before ending the call.

I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran out of the base. I heard the others call my name but I didn't look back. I ran all the way to the beach and sat on the sand to think. 'I hope that Layla and Chase are okay.' I thought to them as I pulled my knees to my chest. I heard footsteps behind me and I looked to see Bella and Shelby. "Hey." I said softly.

They both smiled. "Hey, are you okay? You just ran out like that." Bella asked. "Yeah, all the others are worried about you." Shelby said. "I don't know." I said as I turned back around to look at the ocean view. Shelby and Bella came to sit next to me.

"I'm just worried about them." I said honestly. "We know." Shelby said as they side hugged me. "I just wish I knew where Chase and Layla were, then maybe we could go save them!" I exclaimed. But then, something happened.

I got some sort of vision. I was near a warehouse that looked abandoned. 'Wait a minute. I know where this is. This is in the middle of the forest.' I thought. I looked in the window near by to see Chase and Layla! Then I came back to reality.

"Jessica! Are you okay?" Shelby asked me. I nodded. "I know where they are." I said.

A/N: Hey! So I finally posted! So this is like a three-part since it did mention a Valentine's Day party and tomorrow is Valentine's Day. So yeah. Oh and let's talk about Jessica's vision. What was it? So, yeah. Jessica is getting some powers and this is the first of many. The next chapter should be up soon. Hopefully a double update. I might post this and the next one right after since I'm starting to work on it. The Valentine's Day one will be posted tomorrow. And also, if you haven't checked out my last A/N in the last update then you should check it out. Hope you liked the chapter!

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