Annabeth Randall?

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A/N: Hey everyone! New chapter! Yay! So the end of this one is going to lead to something big! So, yeah! No without further ado. That's such a funny word, ado. Anyway, here is the chapter. Enjoy!

Layla's POV:

Me and Chase ran towards the fight, morphed. I kicked back the monster as Chase went to go see if the girl was okay.

"What? Aqua Ranger!" The monster exclaimed. "What is with you monsters? Don't you ever sleep?" I asked him. He laughed.

"Not me! I never sleep!" He exclaimed. 'Isn't that bad?' I thought before shaking my head. "Ankylo-Sword!" I called out, my sword appearing in my hand.

I swung it at him and flipped over him. "What? Where'd you go?" He asked. "Behind ya!" I exclaimed, mockingly. When he turned around, I slashed him back.

I was on a roll until the monster kicked my sword out of my hand and blasted me back. I hit the ground, holding my side. I wasn't demorphed yet so I got back up.

"Layla!" I heard Chase yell. I looked up and saw him throw his blaster at me. I caught is and smiled. "Thanks!" I yelled at him.

I ran towards the monster with the blaster in my hand, blasting him. "Hey! No fair!" The monster whined. I smirked as I kicked him to the ground.

"I'll be back!" He yelled before disappearing. "Coward." I muttered. Walking to grab my sword. It was damaged when the monster kicked it away and it landed hard.

"Ugh. Now I got to fix it." I whined. I heard Chase and the girl chuckle from behind. "Hey, it's hard to fix the sword. I need to see if Kendall can fix it." I said.

I walked towards them and threw Chase back his blaster. "Well, I already know what you look like but what's your name?" I asked the girl. She tilted her head.

"How do you-" I cut her off by saying, "Long story." She laughed before powering down. Me and Chase powered down next.

"I'm Annabeth, Annabeth Randall." She introduced. My eyes widened in shock and I looked at Chase to see him also in shock. "Do you happen to have a brother and sister?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yes! That's one of the reasons I'm here. Do you know them?" She asked me. "Actually, yeah." I said before looking at Chase.

"Hi, I'm Chase Randall." He introduced. Annabeth's eyes widened as she hugged Chase. "I finally found you!" She exclaimed.

Chase slowly hugged her back. "Let's get back to the base, I'll get everyone here?" I asked. "Just get Bella for now." Chase told me.

I nodded and we started to walk back to the base. When we got there, I grabbed my Dino Com and called Bella. "Need you at the base, now!" I said.

She nodded and hanged up. "So, I need coffee. Annabeth, want to come with me?" I asked her. She nodded and followed me to the secret passage way to get to the museum.

"So, Annabeth. Can I call you Beth?" I asked her. "That's a new one. Sure, it's unique." She said, smiling. I smiled back. "Well, I never really got to introduce myself. I'm Layla, your brother's girlfriend." I said, introducing myself.

"I saw you two, you know. Asleep on the cot. You two are cute together. And, while you were battling and fell on the ground, Chase was about to jump in and attack that monster." She told me as I blushed.

"R-Really?" I stuttered. She nodded. I smiled to myself as I poured myself some coffee. I poured another cup if decaf coffee for Beth and two teas for Chase and Bella.

I put them on a tray and carried them on my hand before walking back to the base. When me and Beth got there, Bella was already there.

I placed the tray on the counter as Beth went to go sit down next to the two. "So, you're Annabeth?" Bella asked. I guess Chase told her everything.

I grabbed the tray and gave everyone their drinks. They thanked me before continuing to ask questions. I got up to leave, to give them some privacy but was pulled to sit down by my waist.

I looked at see Chase holding my waist. "You're my girlfriend, you should know this." Chase whispered in my ear. I nodded before slightly leaning into him.

I tuned out for most parts as they talked. Once they were finished talking, it was about 5:45 in the morning. Nobody came until around 8.

I got up and grabbed the keys for the museum from the table, along with my empty cup and the tray. "Well, nice meeting you Beth but it's almost time for me to get to work so I need to go wash up at home. See you all later." I said.

They all nodded and said their goodbyes before I walked out the base. I left the tray outside of the museum with my cup on it and started jogging to my house.

When I got there, I saw that Jessica was still asleep so I quietly walked upstairs to my room and took a quick shower before getting dressed.

I walked out the door and superspeed towards the museum

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I walked out the door and superspeed towards the museum. I went to go grab the tray I left there this morning but found it gone.

'I guess the others took it.' I thought before shaking my head and unlocking the museum doors.

I walked through and went straight to the cafe, turning the lights on for the museum on the way. When I got there, I unlocked the doors and turned on the lights.

I started to put down all of the chairs. I swept the floors and started the clean around everything.

Once I was finished, the others started to come in. "Hey Layla!" They all greeted. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much. How long have you been here?" Riley asked, coming to help me with the cleaning.

"Let's see, I stayed late due to some circumstances last night and didn't go home till like an hour ago to wash up, then came back here so. I have no idea." I told him.

His eyes widened. "Wait, so you were here over night?" He asked me. "Yeah, you see-" I was cut off by hearing something in my head.

"Layla! He's going to use the energem against you guys!" I heard Kendall yell. I groaned, and put a hand on my head.

I leaned on the wall behind me for support as I slid down on the ground. I saw Riley bend down in front of me with a concerned face.

His lips were moving but I couldn't hear anything. My head was pounding as I heard Kendall's voice. "Kendall." I whispered.

She was in trouble and needed help. I felt someone pick me up and saw Tyler, running towards what I think was the base.

I felt him lay me on a cot and saw everybody's concerned faces before I blacked out. There was only one thought in my head. 'Kendall needs help. Now!'

A/N: Yeah, not my best chapter but hey! I tried my best. I love the ending though, how it cuts off. I'm so sorry for that. It's a to be continued. I'm sorry! So guess what, the next chapter will be up soon!

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