Part 1: The Sheriff's Station

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1. KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

2. ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

3. MM: Mary- Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

4. DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

5. RM: Regina Mills aka The Evil Queen

6. DW: Dr. Whale aka Frankenstein (Whale)

7. HM: Henry Mills (Kid)

The Sheriff's Station

The air was cool and the sun was just beginning to peak out over the trees. Emma pulled up in front of the sheriff's station in her yellow bug. She wrapped her red scarf around her neck and pulled a coffee mug out of the cup holder. Then she stepped out of the car and walked up the steps towards the station. She unlocked the doors and flicked on the lights. She put her coffee down on the desk and hung her coat up on the coat rack beside the former sheriff, Graham's old coat.

She had just sat down at her desk when her phone began buzzing. It nearly vibrated off of the desk before Emma answered it.

ES: Hello, Sheriff Swan.... Mom? .... Mom, what is it? ..... Wait, what?.... Alright, I will be right there.

Emma hung up the phone, grabbed her red leather jacket and darted out of the Sheriff's Office. She slid into the front seat of her yellow bug and drove down to Main Street. She spotted her parents standing in the middle of the road. Quickly Emma parked the car and jogged over to them.

ES: Mom, what is going on?

MM: We just were on our way to Granny's and we saw her here.

Emma stepped past her parents and saw a woman lying curled up and unconscious on the ground.

MM: Who is she?

DN: I don't know.

ES: Wait. Neither of you have ever seen her before? Are you sure, not in the Enchanted Forest or Arendell?

DN: No. David looked up worriedly.

ES: Well then how did she get here? It is not like people can just stroll into town.

MM: Alright, while I agree this is something we need to figure out I suggest we get this woman out of the middle of the street. It is freezing out here. We need to get her to the hospital.

David swept the woman up in his arms and slid her into the passenger's seat of his pickup truck. Mary Margret followed behind with Emma in Emma's yellow bug. At the hospital Mary Margret, David, and Emma waited for Dr. Frankenstein to comeback with a report of the woman's condition.

DW: Who is this woman?

ES: We don't know yet. It is kind of hard to question someone when they are unconscious.

MM: How is she?

DW: Well it is hard to say much without knowing who she is or anything about her medical history, but I believe she will make a full recovery. We have treated her with warming blankets and with some rest I am sure she will regain consciousness soon.

MM: Thank you, Doctor.

While David, Mary Margret and Emma anxiously waited outside the stranger's hospital room a man dressed in black pants, a black vest and blazer greeted them.

KJ: So while I have grown to appreciate the gelatin molds that they force feed you in this place, I would not have arranged for us to rendezvous here.Why have you called me here?

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