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MM: Mary- Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion Constellation (Star)

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin aka The Dark One (Rumple)

PM: Penelope Madison

BB: Blackbeard

BF: Blue Fairy


Everyone who was inside the Diner during Rumple's rampage was now out in the street. Emma and David immediately started searching for Rumple.

DN: I'll head into the woods to see if he is hiding out in there. You check back at his shop.

ES: That seems like the last place he would go but maybe Belle will be there and I can talk to her.

David nodded, kissed Emma on the forehead then took off running towards his truck. Emma turned and went towards the Pawn shop. Racing up behind her was Killian.

KJ: Swan! He called.

ES: Hey Killian. She said looking back briefly over her shoulder, Would you like to tell me what was going on in there? That is the coin you told me about isn't it?

KJ: Aye. He said coming up beside her.

ES: What exactly does it do again? She asked as they turned the corner to the Pawn shop.

KJ: It can be used to control or move through time.

ES: Why does Gold want to control time? Emma said thinking out loud. If you were to use the coin to take something from the past.... could you do that? She asked. Emma thought he had a pretty good idea of what Rumple was after, We need to find Belle. She'll know whether or not Rumple has been to Neal's grave recently.

KJ: Why does that matter?

ES: I think Rumple may want to bring Neal back. Emma explained.

As Emma told Killian what she thought Rumple was planning she noticed something in the alley next to the Pawn shop. Amber had run by and slipped down the alley.

ES: What the hell... Emma muttered as she pushed passed Killian, Amber just ran down that alley. She called to Killian as she ran towards the alley, What is she doing?

KJ: I don't know.

Killian ran up along side Emma. He pointed to the alley and told her that he would go down the back. Emma nodded and kept running to the front door. She pushed open the door and found the shop empty.

ES: Belle? Are you here? She called.


Around the back of the shop Amber and Blackbeard were propping open the door to the back room.

AP: There is something I have been meaning to ask you. Amber said as she handed Blackbeard the small piece of wood she had found, How did you get to Storybrooke? I mean Henry told me that everyone here is from the Enchanted Forest. It is another world or something, and they all were brought over by the curse. How did you get here?

The door to back room squeaked as Blackbeard pulled it open.

BB: Keep your mouth shut! He snapped after having enough of Amber's endless questions. Immediately he realized his mistake when he saw Amber jumped back in fear at his outburst, I am sorry, Child. I just can't focus on getting this diadem if I am answering all these questions. He apologized hoping she would not turn on him and retrieve the Sheriff, who they knew was just across the street, When we finish this I promise to tell you everything.

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