Loved Ones

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KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

MM: Mary- Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin (Rumple)

RM: Regina Mills aka Evil Queen

HM: Henry Mills

NC: Neal Cassidy aka Baelfire (Bae)

PP: Peter Pan (Pan)

BB: Blackbeard

LJ: Lila Jones

OC/AP: Amber Phillips aka Orion Constellation (Star)

LP: Luke Phillips

KL: Kelly Phillips

Loved Ones

Later that night Emma sat on a bar stood at the counter in Snow and Charming's apartment. There was a mug of untouched hot chocolate in front of her. David and Henry had gone to the stables leaving Snow and Emma at the apartment alone. Snow was watering her plants and finally decided to try and talk to Emma. Knew something had been bothering Emma, but she also knew Emma was not the kind of person who would come right out and tell her mom about the bad day she had.

MM: Tough day? She asked simply, trying not to come across as too pushy she continued watering her plants.

ES: Eh, no.... Emma sighed. Hook and I just dropped Amber back off at the Inn.

MM: Oh? How is she doing? Has there been any change, I mean does she remember anything more?

ES: Hook and I found her in Rumple's shop earlier today. He was interested in her ring I guess. I am not really sure, but when I gave Amber back the ring she saw the engraving. She had a flashback or something. She remembers everything.

MM: Everything? Snow asked glancing over at Emma from the corner of her eye.

ES: She knows her name, where she is from, and who her parents are. Well her adoptive parents at least.
Snow nodded and waited for Emma to finish explaining.

ES: She knows she was adopted though. She had just found the night she came to Storybrooke. It came as a total surprise to her. She was completely caught off guard, and now she is talking about staying....Emma leaned back way from the counter, She is confused, hurt and probably scared so she is running. That is how she found her way her from New York.

MM: Oh, I see. Snow replied cautiously. She didn't have the heart to say it out loud but she could already see the similarities between Emma and Amber. She knew Emma could easily to relate to whatever Amber might be feeling.

Emma nodded then turned her attention back to the mug of hot chocolate which was certainly cold by now. She twirled the spoon around in the mug watching the marshmallows dance around the inside of the mug. Snow put down her watering can and saw her daughter's saddened face. She knew there was still more to the story.

MM: But that isn't what is really bothering you is it? She asked Emma directly while taking a seat on the stool next to Emma.
Emma cocked her head to the side and tried to look confused by the question but they both knew what Snow was getting at.

ES: It's nothing, really.

MM: Awe come on, even the smallest things have meaning. What is it? She pursued.

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