Part 3: Deals

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KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion (Star)

SW: Strange Woman aka Amber's mother

PM: Penelope Madison

BF: Blue Fairy (Blue)

RM: Regina Mills aka Evil Queen

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin (Rumple)

BB: Blackbeard

LJ: Lila Jones


The next morning Amber woke up early. She got dressed and headed down to the stables. She wanted to spend some more time practicing with the sword Killian had given her during the battle with the Kraken. Amber jogged down the stone path to the stables. She pushed open the stable doors and said hello to the row of horses. Then she opened the closest and pulled out a dummy made of straw. David made it for Henry to practice with and Henry was more than happy to show Amber how to use it.

Amber pushed the dummy out into the field and picked up her sword. It was a beautiful sword. Amber did not know much about swords but she knew this one must have been special considering all of the jewels encrusted on the hilt of the sword. It was heavier than the wooden swords that they had first practiced with but not to heavy for Amber to use. Amber had decided to first work on her feet work. She practiced shifting her weight and trying to stay light on her feet.

KJ: We will make a Pirate out of you yet! Killian laughed from the top of the hill where the stone path began.

Amber smiled. She thought about what it might be like to be a pirate. Now that she knew pirates, princesses, dragons and all of those fairytale beings were real she wondered if she would enjoy being a pirate.

AP: I thought I would try to get a bit more practice in. She explained to Killian as he came down the path toward her, I was so scared yesterday. I nearly forgot everything you and Henry have been teaching me. I was terrible. I just froze. Before the fight I went on about wanting to help but then all I did was stand there like an idiot.

KJ: Don't be so hard on yourself, Star. He said reassuringly as he put his hand on her shoulder, It was your first time out. You had never even used a real sword before. You fought bravely.

Amber did not reply.

KJ: You don't believe me?

Amber still did not reply.

KJ: Amber, you were stronger and braver than any man I have sailed with. Killian insisted. He pulled on Amber's shoulder so that was she would turn to face him. He wanted her to look him in the eye so she would know he was telling her the truth, You were prepared to die yesterday... you knew what you were getting involved with when you volunteered to help. That is bravery if I have ever seen it.

Amber's gaze floated up to meet Killian's. He smiled softly and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

KJ: I told you we will make a Pirate out of you. He said as he bent down and picked up the sword and handed it to her.

Amber looked down at the sword in Killian's hand and before she took it from him she noticed a small engraving on the hilt. It was the letter M. Killian followed Amber's gaze and saw what she was looking at.

KJ: It belonged to Milah. He said while gently running his thumb over the engraving, I had it made for her.

AP: You should keep it then. If I knew I wouldn't have...

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