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ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

RM: Regina Mills aka Evil Queen

HM: Henry Mills

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

OC: Orion Constellation


The next morning Emma went to the hospital to talk to Hook. She would tell him about the hybrids, and maybe he would have found out more about this woman. Emma wanted to talk to talk to the woman again as well. Now that they had something go off of Emma hoped she might be able to get more out of the woman now.

Emma walked down the halls the quiet hospital.


There were people everywhere, everyone rushing around the hospital room. Emma stood outside looking in as the nurses crowded around the bed. Even from the hall she could hear the sounds of the monitors beeping.

ES: Please be ok, She whispered to herself as she watched the panicked hospital staff rush to help Henry.

Eyes full of fear Regina ran up to Emma, What happened? Her voice cracked.

ES: He .... He was trying to.... Her mind was racing. Her gaze fell to the floor. For months now Henry had been trying to tell her that fairytales, magic and true love were all real. For months he had been trying to get her to just believe. Emma was so sure that all of that was just stuff for children to believe in. As she looked at Henry lying in that hospital bed she could not help but feel like if she had only decided to stay in Storybrooke. If only she had told Henry she would stay with him rather than leave him again. Maybe then he would not have been so desperate to prove to her that his book of fairytales was actually real, He ate your apple turnover. The one you gave me for the road.

RM: He did what? How could you let him do that! Regina's hands shook and her palms grew sweaty. This is all your fault! Her eyes filled with tears as she pushed her way into the hospital room, Get out of my way! He is my son!

Looking up now Emma's mind instantly cleared. She stepped into the room and came to stand beside Regna. She gave Regina one hard look then turned to face Henry who was lying unconscious in the hospital bed. The nurses and doctors had all scattered the moment Regina entered the room.

ES: No.... He is my son! Emma declared.

Regina's jaw dropped as she watched Emma step passed her and to Henry's side. There was a moment when Emma thought that perhaps Henry had been right. If she loved him enough maybe she could save him.

ES: I am sorry.... You were right, true love is real. I love you, Kid truly. She whispered before she leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead.

Suddenly there was a flash, a surge of electricity blasted through the air. The curse was broken by true love's kiss.

Henry's eyes fluttered open and a smile appeared.

HM: I knew you could do it. He said simply. He knew that Emma had broken the curse and that she finally believed.

***Present Day***

So much had changed since that day. Emma walked through the hospital thinking about how far they had come. Regina and Emma had found common ground in the fact that they both loved Henry and they were both his mother. It did not matter that Regina was only his adoptive mother or that Emma had given him up as an infant. They both loved him, and that day all either of them cared about was him. They were family.

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