Creatures of The Sea

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ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin (Rumple or Gold)

BE: Belle

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion (Star)

RM: Regina Mills aka Evil Queen

DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

MM: Mary-Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

Creatures of The Sea

Emma raced from the docks to Rumple's pawn shop. She pulled up right out front not bothering to turn the car off or take the keys out of the ignition before racing inside. She swung the door open and heard the bells chime above the door.

MG: Good day to you too, Miss Swan. Rumple greeted her calmly even though he could see that she was anything but calm.

ES: How do we defeat this Kraken? Emma asked getting straight to the point.

MG: I already told you. I do not know. How many times are you going to come barging in here asking me the same thing over and over?

ES: Emma slammed her hands down on the counter top, I know you are lying to me. I knew it the last time I was here. What are you hiding, Gold?

Rumple went on polishing the jewelry from inside the counter. She smiled slightly and told Emma that he was not hiding anything.

ES: I know about the deal you made with Hook. How you promised to make sure Amber had to stay in town if he brought you her ring. Hook told me everything.

MG: I was wondering how long it would take for that Guppy Fish to spill everything. Rumple said, He is so distracted by his feelings for that girl he can't even see the truth right in front of him.

ES: And what is that supposed to mean? Emma asked, not in the mood to decode one of his riddles.

Rumple only smiled and continued to clean.

ES: I know you had something to do with that storm and bringing the Kraken here. It was your way of preventing Amber from leaving. What I don't know is why.... Rumple's beady eyes flashed up at Emma, What does Rumpelstiltskin get out of this deal?

MG: Justice. He whispered.

Emma's cell phone began to ring. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw Regina was trying to call her.

ES: Regina? I am kinda busy is Henry alright? She asked. Regina had cut her off. Regina told Emma to come down to the library. They had found away to defeat the Kraken. Emma hung up the phone and eyed Rumple. Part of her wondered if this was another one of his tricks, It looks like your game is over. We will get rid of the Kraken and all your lies will have been for nothing. Emma said before turning and walking back out the door.

MG: Have a nice day. Rumple called as she left the shop.

Emma arrived at the library and found Regina, Belle, Hook and Amber all waiting for her. Belle had been in the library since the attack trying to find anything she could about the Kraken. When she finally stumbled across something she went to find Emma. She saw Hook and Amber at the post office a couple doors down and told them what she found. Then they called Emma and Regina.

RM: Henry is with your parents down at the stables. Regina said when she met Emma at the door, Belle found something about our Kraken situation.

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