Sons and Daughters

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MM: Mary- Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion Constellation (Star)

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin aka The Dark One (Rumple)

PM: Penelope Madison

BB: Blackbeard

BF: Blue Fairy

Sons and Daughters

Racing out of Granny's Diner and down the street after Amber, Killian called after her.

KJ: Stop running, Star!

Amber stopped for a moment giving Killian the chance he needed to catch up with her. Before she could take off again Killian grabbed her by the arm.

KJ: Wait! Just hear me out. You said you trusted me. Then trust that I didn't do any of this to hurt you. He told her. That is the last thing I wanted.... I was trying to protect you, Star.

AP: Shut up! Stop calling me that! You weren't trying to protect me. You have been lying to me since the first moment we met.

KJ: That isn't true. He tried to defend himself.

AP: Ha! She laughed in his face.

KJ: Everything I ever told you about me was true. When I asked you to stay yes it was because I wanted you here. I wanted to give this thing between us a chance, but it also was because I knew you belonged here. I when I found out about your parents being from our world I didn't know who they were. I wanted to tell you, but you had just gotten your memories back and you were dealing with all of that. I just wanted to give you time to breath. Then I don't know everything just erupted into chaos around us....

AP: That still doesn't explain why you didn't just come to me. I mean after everything we have been through in the short amount of time we have known each other didn't you think I could handle it? No, instead you thought it was better to keep everything from me.

KJ: After I made the deal with Rumple to keep you here I was afraid of what you would say. I was afraid of what you would think of me.

Amber rolled her eyes and sighed deeply. She turned around fully so that she was facing Killian.

AP: I wouldn't have been happy that you went behind my back and trapped me here. Taking away my freedom to choose, but I would have been able to forgive you. But now... now that you have just piled on one lie after another.... She shook her head, I mean it isn't like you just lied about one thing. You kept everything from me. Even after knowing how hurt I was when I found out my parents had been lying to me my whole life, you turned around and did the same thing. How can you expect me to forgive you for that? How can I trust you? You should have known how hurt I would be.

Amber started to walk away leaving Killian alone on the street corner.

KJ: So what, you are going to run from this too. Just like you ran from you parents when you found out they had lied to protect you. Is that what you do, you run? Killian called after her.

Amber stopped. Killian's words hit her hard and for a moment she wondered if he had a point.

AP: I am not running. She called back over her shoulder.

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