It's In The Blood

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MM: Mary- Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion Constellation (Star)

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin aka The Dark One (Rumple)

PM: Penelope Madison

BB: Blackbeard

BF: Blue Fairy

It's In The Blood

Blackbeard paced back and forth on the deck of his ship while Amber stood nervously near the mass. She wished Blackbeard would just let her go home. She had been through enough for one day. All she wanted to do now was curl up under her covers and cry. She kept her gaze glued to her feet as she waited for Blackbeard to tell her she could leave.

BB: With that Codfish in the way getting at the diadem is going to be harder than I thought. The Pirate muttered, We are going to have to do something about him. He has gotten in my way one too many times.

Flashing up from the ground Amber's gaze raised to meet Blackbeard's.

AP: You don't mean....

BB: Aye.

Instinctively Amber grabbed at her neck, where just a short while before Killian's hook had been pressed.

AP: I won't help you kill him. That was not part of our deal. She stated, I only agreed to do all of this so that you would stop going after Killian.

BB: Why do you want to protect him? Blackbeard asked as he moved close to Amber, Why? After what you saw tonight can't you see what a monster he is? Blackbeard ask as he stroked her cheek.

Amber turned away from him and tried to push away the memory of Killian's hook around her neck.

BB: Surely now you can see that there is only one way to get my diadem back, and that is to rid the world of this monster.

The very word, monster made Amber's blood boil. Killian had used it to describe Blackbeard and now Blackbeard used it to describe Killian.When she decided to enter this world of magic and fairytales she should have know to expect monsters and villains.

AP: I won't help you kill him. She repeated firmly.

Blackbeard let out an exasperated sigh.

BB: Alright, alright. Then you'll just have to help me in another way.

Amber gave the Pirate a curious look as she smiled wickedly at her.


A few hours later Killian stumbled aboard the Jolly Roger with his flask in hand.

BB: My my, so this is what a washed up Pirate looks like. Blackbeard mocked as he came out from his hiding place behind several stacked barrels.

Killian unsteadily drew his sword.

KJ: No one boards the Jolly Roger with out and invitation from it's Captain, Killian slurred, and you were not invited.

Blackbeard laughed. His maniacal laugh echoed through the bay.

BB: You intend to fight me in this state? Mate, you couldn't even beat me sober.

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