Lost Girl

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KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion Constellation (Star)

BB: Blackbeard

LJ: Lila Jones



Lost Girl

Hook and Amber followed Granny upstairs to Hook's new room at the Inn. She reluctantly flipped through her key ring searching for the correct key.

Granny: Letting a pirate stay under my roof... She mumbled under her breath, The very idea of it!

Both Amber and Hook pretended not to notice it.

KJ: So you seem to be handling all this pretty well... The whole fairytale thing I mean.

AP: Amber chuckled, Well it is kind of hard to argue after you have almost been killed by a Sea Monster.

KJ: Aye. He sighed.

Granny opened the door then stepped around Amber and Hook to make her way back downstairs. She had no desire to stick around and see that Hook gets settled in alright.

Amber stepped into the room and spun around. The room was about the same size as the one she was staying in across the hall but in this room the window's were lined with light blue curtains. Hook slowly came into the room and had a look around. He was not too pleased to be staying there but he certainly could not stay on aboard the Jolly Roger while the Kraken was out there.

Hook looked to Amber who has plopped down on the bed with a smile. He could not help but think about that fact that she nearly died tonight. She almost had to pay the price for the deal he made with Rumple.


Mr. Smee and Hook walked on and on having no idea how far they had walked or for how long they had been walking. Hook was growing fearful that Blackbeard may have already gotten to Lila.

Mr. Smee: Capt'n, I am telling you we are walking in circles. We have passed that tree twice already.

Hook sighed as he continued to push forward through the thick forest.

Mr. Smee: We should turn around, Capt'n. If we keep on going this way Blackbeard will get the coin before we even get close.

Hearing it out loud terrified Hook. He froze in his tracks and imagined what Blackbeard would do if he found Lila. However Hook knew they needed to keep moving. He quickly shook the thought away and resumed making a path.

Mr. Smee: Capt'n....

KJ: I have warned you once already to keep that big mouth of yours shut, Smee. To not push my patience. Hook warned him again.

Mr. Smee: I am sorry, but....

KJ: No!... But nothing. I am the Captain and you are a deckhand. I give the orders and you follow them. Pan is playing a game and we play by his rules. You said it yourself, Pan has it out for me. He has made sure that we will lose. This whole island is under his control. He has set it up so that we would end up farther away from Lila, so that Blackbeard will get to her first. Said suddenly realizing that it didn't matter which way him and Smee traveled. They would not find Lila until Pan wants them to.

KJ: I am not giving up..., Hook mumbled to himself. Then lifting his head in confidence he said it again. This time he yelled, I am not giving up! Do you hear me, Pan? Do whatever you want to us. I will not give up on her again!

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